Chapter 70

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"Would you prefer to be with the Empire or the Rebellion?"

Ethan would have gone nuts at this party. This American couple had just purchased a very chic house in a very elegant town just a few miles from Paris, and what was the theme they chose for their welcome party? Star Wars, naturally.

"The Rebellion, of course!" I was still kind of worried about the stranger following us, but it would be safe here, in a galaxy far, far away. And full of people. Plus, it would be so fun!

"Perfect!" Our host, Michael, who was dressed as Darth Vader, pointed to a group near the grill. "Just go talk to Leo. He's the Chewbacca. He'll you give you both something to wear."

Darcy waited for Michael to move away and whispered in my ear, "Miss Nathalie", Uh-oh. Darcy was on his I-must-protect-you mode still. "This is absurd! We cannot be a part in this battle!"

Battle? Oh, he hadn't realized this was merely a game. Great opportunity to mess with him. "It's all under control, Darcy. We'll have some training with them in this... compound, then when they're boarding the starfighters we'll make our escape."

"Starfighters?" He was so cute when he was confused!

"It's kind of modern and very fast ships", I explained. Still messing with him.

"Ships? You mean to say the battle will take place at sea?"

"Nope. Up there, Darcy", I pointed up, so he would stare at the sky instead of my face. I was smirking.

"Oh. Is it an aircraft as the Professor's?"

"Actually, the starfighters go much higher." His blue eyes widened, and his perfect lips parted. I wanted to bite them, he was so adorable.

"Higher? Where, in God's name, can it go?"

"Into the space, Darcy." This time, I did the whispering, and he gaped.

"Impressive", he admitted, after a while of complete shock.

"Hi!" A blond girl with an orange jumpsuit that I instantly recognized as the uniform for Rebellion pilots approached us holding clothes. "The handsome guy will be our Luke Skywalker", she informed Darcy with a wink, which made him blush deeply, "and you'll be dressed as Princess Leia in her slave outfit." She gave each of us our costumes and walked to the buffet table.

"Just get dressed, Darcy", I instructed him as he looked, dumbfounded, at the mass of white clothing in his big hands. "I'll clarify everything in a moment."

As I saw the sexy metal bikini I was about to wear, I couldn't resist messing with his head a little further before I got changed. "If you thought that story about intergalactic war was impressive, I can't imagine what you'll think after I dress like Princess Leia."

I left him with a devilish grin on my face. Oh, you're so in the palm of my hand, Mr. Darcy.


I saw him before his sea-blue eyes found me. The scene I was observing was, at the same time, sweet and comical. Somehow, he looked quite like a gentleman with his Luke Skywalker outfit, holding a green lightsaber as if it were the most powerful sword ever made, and he, the last Jedi of the galaxy.

He was talking animatedly with our host, Michael-slash-Darth Vader. When his gaze shifted in my direction his lips parted automatically, his face turned a deep tone of pink and his pupils dilated, making the blue in his eyes practically disappear. His lightsaber now rested limply by his side, no longer an object of his interest.

Michael-slash-Vader giggled, the sound bizarre behind the helmet, kind of robotic, and utterly funny. "You're a lucky man, Darcy. Oh, sorry. Luke." Michael gave him a friendly pat on the back.

"The luckiest in the galaxy", Darcy agreed, his eyes never leaving me, his words and expressions making his new friend laugh.

If there was something I admired in my time-travelling man (besides his gentleman manners, his sea-blue eyes, his perfect lips, baritone voice and thick accent) it was his capacity to adapt elegantly, no matter the circumstance, and enter the character the situation required he became. Wait a sec. Did I just say he was my man?

"Nat, baby", a familiar voice called me, making me break eye contact with Darcy. "We need to talk."

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