Chapter 28

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A couple of months ago...


When Doug had told him about Fanny, he'd left Terry with high expectations. Still, the woman had been able to impress him. However, there was a catch: Doug had warned him Fanny didn't do the whole relationship thing.

According to detective Brooks, she preferred to date a few times, have some fun in bed and let the poor schmuck go after a while (which usually meant no more than a few weeks).

From the moment he set eyes on her for the first time, Terry decided he'd be the man to break her cycle.

In order to do that, he'd have to make sure she felt more than pure lust for him before taking things to an additional intimate level. He wouldn't take Fanny to bed until the timing was right.

It was far from an easy task. The last time they went out, he'd almost broken his own rule in the backseat of his car. It had been impossible to resist her charms; Fanny had been so passionate, so amazingly willing, he'd almost gone all the way with her there and then.

All his self-control had been necessary to stop himself, take her home and – warmly – refusing to follow her to her apartment for some "drinks". Fanny clearly wasn't used to being denied anything from a man, but she hadn't insisted on the matter either. Maybe, she thought he was worth the wait too, Terry considered (and hoped).

The problem now was: they were going out shortly, and he feared he'd surrender to her will if they were alone again. Perhaps it'd be wise if they went on a date with Doug and Nathalie?

Too late for that now, you idiot, he chastised himself, since he was already parking in front of her building. Besides, he'd carefully prepared that surprise for Fanny, and Fanny alone. For better or worse, that night was only theirs.

His breath caught in his throat as he observed her leaving her home. She was simply gorgeous, and not in an obvious, girlish way. She had a strong personality, and it matched perfectly her wavy, reddish hair, her alabaster skin, and cat eyes. She was tall and had the longest legs, that seemed to go forever, the kind that could encage even a guy of his size between them.

Focus, Terry! Focus!

Instead of focusing though, some dangerous body parts of Terry's were awakening (some very far from his brains, by the way). He clumsily left his sedan and strode around it to open the door for her; she'd glowed beautifully when he'd done that simple act of courtesy the last time, so he'd make sure to do it always.

Instead of getting in the car, she walked up to him, until their bodies were connected, and kissed him merciless. Oh, God, this woman is the end of me.

Tonight, she was looking like a movie star in her backless, white dress that enhanced her elegant, lean body. One of his hands went to her exposed back, while the other took possession of the nape of her neck. He used them to pull her even closer, until they were crashing lips to thighs.

"You're so soft...", he whispered in her mouth.

"And you're so hard...", she murmured back in a velvet, kitten voice. He moved away abruptly.

He was playing hard to get, which only made her desire him more. Oracle declared she'd decided to surrender and proclaimed she could be invaded, earning a mental slap from Fanny on her imaginary face.

"Stop being such a slut, O!", Fanny warned her lower self, before realizing that situation probably proved one of her exes, Alex Duval, had been totally right: Fanny was a lunatic.

"So, may I know what movie we're watching?", she was making small talk so her mind (and her Oracle) could ignore his warm, long fingers drawing circles in her palm. Oh, boy. She didn't really care about the movie, for she wouldn't be watching it at all.

"Casablanca", he answered, ruining her plans on making out with him the whole session. He'd mentioned it as if it weren't her favorite film of all times, and as if it were more than natural going to the cinema for a production released in the Forties.

"I didn't know they were doing a rerun of Casablanca..." And that you'd been listening when I was talking to Nat about that movie, Fanny wished to say, but kept the words to herself. She also couldn't believe how misinformed she'd been; in a sense, she worked in the movie industry, yet she'd had no idea about it.

"Well, they aren't. The owner of the place owed me a favor."

"So we'll have an entire cinema for the two of us?" He'd managed to surprise her even further as he nodded in confirmation.

Not only did he arrange a session entirely for her, but also there was candlelight dinner waiting for them at the theater's reception, she noticed, completely openmouthed, as they entered the establishment. "Wow. What did you do for this guy?", she was honestly curious, even though she could guess his answer. She'd seen him in action. Besides hot, Terry was also heroic and kind. Which was even hotter.

"I saved his son's life", he declared matter-of-factly, not presumptuous at all. "He offered me money, which I obviously denied. He kept begging to help me in some way, so he'd be able to thank me for saving the boy when I was off-duty. I finally decided to ask him for a favor, and made him happy. You too, I hope."

"Are you kidding? I love this surprise so much that I'm thinking about cooking you dinner on our next date." She winked at him.

"I assume you don't cook for just anyone", he affirmed-slash-asked, hoping he was special to her like she'd become to him.

"Normally, only for Nat. But not even she gets the dessert I'm making you", she said with a sensuous smile.

"What desert? My mouth's watering just to imagine..." The possibilities filled his mind and other body parts...

"A girl must have secrets too, you know?", she told him, mentally adding Chantilly to her groceries shop list.

They watched the movie, then ate, and talked, and danced (to Casablanca soundtrack, naturally). When they left the theater, Fanny was more than ready for the night to continue at her apartment. More precisely, in her bed.

They began kissing deeply as soon as he stopped the sedan, in front of her doorsteps. Ten minutes later, the car windows were fogged up, their breaths were shallow, he was shirtless and her dress was up to her waist. The bake was practically baking.

"Let's go upstairs." It wasn't an invitation, it was more like a statement, like an undeniable fact, like an unavoidable event.

He took a deep breath and put his shirt back on, which she considered as him getting ready to leave the vehicle. "I really want to go, Fanny. You've got no idea. But not tonight."

"What?! Are you blowing me off??!" He never got a chance to respond to that, since she left the car running.

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