Chapter 26

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A couple of months ago...


Fanny was meeting Nat and Doug for a beer. She hated to be a third wheel, but it was far better than meeting Nat when she went out with Patricia and, these days, it was one or the other...

Besides, Doug was a fun guy to hang out with.

Doug's favorite bar, in Upper East Side, was usually overflowing with off-duty policemen, since it was near a precinct. Jake's Dilemma was famous for its drinks deals and for the many options offered to its customers. There, one could play videogames, watch football, listen to Pearl Jam, and flirt a lot.

For those who just desired a cozy, less noisy place to have their drinks and chat, there was the backroom, with sunken armchairs, old estate-sale couches, shelves filled with ancient books, and low, red ceiling, making the visitors feel like they were traveling back in time. Nat always preferred to stay there, obviously. Luckily for Fanny, many single men enjoyed it too.

Before Fanny reached the backroom, she heard the unmistakable laugh of her best friend. Good, they are already here. Fanny wouldn't have to spend those awkward moments when one's all alone in a place and everyone around keeps wondering if that person was just a loner or if someone had stood them up. Nat didn't care about those kind of things, but Fanny had a problem with been blown off. Or been believed to be blown off. Or even feeling like she could be blown off.

Anyway, it was a very deep insecurity issue of hers, caused firstly by a boy she had a crush on who'd left her waiting on prom night. She'd spent that night crying over her red gown, messing up her mascara, imagining why he'd ruined her life like that.

The boy had simply overslept, but Fanny never heard his side of the story: when he tried to apologize the next day, she threw her lunch (which was meatballs and spaghetti, by the way) on the boy's head. The boy was nicknamed Meatballs and Fanny had, from there on, trouble believing a man could commit.

After a few years of even worse experiences, she decided it was she who wouldn't commit to any of them. However, she never denied the opportunity of having a nice time with an interesting guy. Which was what she hoped it would happen that evening at Jake's.

"Hey, babe!", Nat called her, "You're late!"

"Yeah, and there's someone who can't wait to meet you! It's the new detective at my precinct!", Doug finished.

"Are you kidding me?!", Fanny was immediately enraged. "HOLY F***!" This author will absolutely not write down all curses she used in that moment, but it's safe to say even the toughest, roughest cop in that pub was left shocked. Most of them had never heard a person cursing so much and for so long without breathing. A drunk at the end of the counter even clapped as she finished.

No, Fanny wasn't losing her mind. Not exactly. The reason she'd exploded in a million offenses was that it wasn't the first time Doug had tried to introduce her to a fellow detective. The last time he'd done so, she'd ended up spending the evening with a divorced, bald, over-weighted man who'd been able to talk about nothing but his ex-wife and how she'd taken all his money.

Oh, and he farted when he was nervous. And he got nervous very often.

"What's wrong with you two?", Fanny accused. "What's wrong with this one? Still lives with his mom? Drinks too much? Girl problem? Guy problem?"

"Doug?" A man asked from behind Fanny. "Is everything alright here?" Fanny could guess who it was: Doug's new pal. She had dreaded to see him, but now she'd heard his strong voice, she was curious.

"Oh, sorry, Terry, but I don't think Fanny's interested in–"

"Hello, there!", Fanny interrupted, as she found out the detective was a very hot mix of the Black Panther and Luther. Wow. Just wow. "I'm Fanny."

"Hey, there. I'm–"

"Idris Elba." She said excitedly. Terry's brows went up, while Nat and Doug looked at her as if she were insane. "Oh, did I say that out loud? Sorry... Terry, right?" The tall, muscled man couldn't stop smiling when he noticed how excited Fanny was. He nodded. "Wow, it's just... Wow... You really look like that actor, Idris Elba. A younger version of him of course. And I always thought he looked like a delicious, gigantic, chocolate bar."

Doug choked with his beer, while Nat blurted out "Holy ducking sheet!" Terry stared at Fanny for a moment, before bursting out laughing. "Oh, God! She's great, Doug!", he finally said, wiping tears from his eyes.

That evening, Terry made her laugh, drank beers with her, and took her back home. Not once, not even once, did he glance at any other women. And there were plenty staring at him openly. No: Terry-slash-Idris only had eyes for the leggy redhead in front of him. That granted him a second date, naturally.

Fanny, however, would have to make sure she wouldn't shave for a while...

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