Chapter 17

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I should have predicted Darcy-dude would be a major hit at the restaurant. Dad's regulars wouldn't stop calling him and Anna to compliment Darcy and his manners, while the new customers were having a blast, especially the older women.

What was it with Darcy and former generations of Megan Fox?

He pulled their chairs, made comments about the weather, made them laugh, took their coats and purses (although I suspected they wanted him to take something else entirely different from them...)

The old fellows enjoyed his company as well. At one point of the evening, I passed by one of his tables and heard him talking with some guys in their sixties about Plato. Naturally, it sounded like he'd just discovered Megan Fox's (the real one) phone number; the men were as excited as teenagers.

All that because of a Roman dude. Or was he Greek? Who cares about Plato-dude, anyhow?

"You're doing great, dude!" I gave him a pat on the back to show my appreciation. He was doing amazingly well actually, considering the tip the last table had left him. Maybe, he'd share it with me for being a great host.

"Dar-cy." He pronounced slowly, as if speaking to a five-year-old. He did it sometimes, as if I didn't remember his name. Believe me, I did; and it was boring... "Mr. Brown, I believe you have some trouble remembering my family name. Therefore, you might...", he stopped his speech for a heartbeat. What would come next was difficult for him to say, which made me very curious. "You might call me by my first name, Fitzwilliam", he finished proudly.

Oh, that was so good! That name wasn't boring at all.

"I love it, dude! Or should I say: Fitz!"

"My name is Fitz–" He began, looking pissed.

"Waiter!" A guy on table four interrupted our bonding session. We were becoming pals!

"Don't worry, Fitz!", I reassured him, "I've got it right now!" He didn't seem happy when I left him. Well, he never did, actually.

"Sir!" A man at one of Fitz's tables called. So they called me waiter and him, Sir. Nice.

Fitz approached the guy, who asked him, "Can I smoke my cigar in here?"

"Of course!" and "Of course not!" were answers given by Fitz and Anna at the same time. You can easily guess who said which.

"This is a non-smoking establishment, sir", Anna said drily. Oh, she looked so sexy when she was angry. Like a kitten. My kitten. "You can smoke outside, in the garden, although I don't recommend it."

"Why ever not?" It was Fitz, not the customer, who asked this. He couldn't understand Anna's fervent answer.

"Well", she told him, "you know as well as this man that smoking can kill you."

"Nonsense!", I thought Anna would punch Fitz for the strength of his remark. That would be amusing. Some heads around their table turned in their direction. I wasn't the only one interested. "My father used to smoke all day long his entire life and he passed away at the age of forty-nine!"

"Oh, poor you!", Anna put a hand on Fitz shoulder, then turned to the table, "See?!"

At the end, the man didn't smoke his cigar, no old lady was able to get Fitz's phone number (since he didn't have one) and Fitz ended up with more money he knew existed. It was a good night.

It was further improved by Nat's news as she arrived from her dinner out: we'd be spending that weekend at the Hamptons. I didn't like the place much, it was like a nest of snakes or something as vicious, with all those rich people gossiping and spending, and showing off how much money they could burn. But Patty's mansion was like paradise. Besides, what mattered was the company, right?

Texts between Nathalie and Fanny

So, I guess we'll all be @ Patricia's this weekend!

You're coming too, Fanny?


I thought you hated Patty...

I do HATE her guts, Nathalie. But I LOVE her house.

You beach!

Are you using your weird cussing when you type too? Weirdo!

Hey, just kiss my ash!

Love you too, babe! ;-) So, is the hottie going?

What hottie?

Right, just pretend you're clueless. The hottie. You know: Brit, amazing eyes, proportional body parts (or I hope to find out @ the Hamptons!)

Okay, we all know how much you wanna know about his proportionality.

Is he banging anyone?

Wow, sometimes I forget you're such a lady.

Yeah, we went to the same finishing school.

Hey! Some respect now! I'm a flocking lady!

Whatever. So, what about the hottie? Is he banging anyone?

It's none of your business.

Right... Maybe you wanna him all for yourself.

No answer?

Seriously, you won't answer me?

UR in serious trouble, Nat.

Thanks for reading!

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