Chapter 80

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"Would you like more champagne?" One of the perks of flying in first class, Fanny reminded herself, as she accepted her third glass of champagne.

The moment she found out she was going to Paris, with the gorgeous Detective that reminded her of one of her favorite actors ever, she called her cousin Denise, who was a flight attendant. She was able to get first class tickets for economic class price.

Terry looked satisfied enough, going through the enormous list of movies available for them. She wanted that look on his face, but she'd like it better if he was smiling at her like that on top of her, naked and– "Fanny? Are you okay?"

"How could I not be okay being treated like a queen?", she winked at him.

"You should always be treated like a queen", Terry said shyly.

"Don't you dare complain when I attack you after you say stuff like that, Terry!", she made him chuckle. It was funny how they were always either fighting or laughing in each other's presence.

This guy was irresistible. And such a mystery to her. But a nice, chocolate sweet kind of mystery. He was clearly into her, but he hadn't tried to sleep with her yet. He kept talking about how he wanted a relationship, something Fanny always ran from, yet now she found herself considering his proposal.

"Anyway, I can't say I'm not enjoying myself", he mentioned, while stretching out. Fanny practically drooled as she watched, mesmerized, his muscles flexing under his cotton shirt. "And I guess that, after we find Nat and Darcy of course, we could visit– Ouch! Did you just bite me?"

Yes, she had bitten his biceps. "I'm so sorry! But it's not my fault! You were looking so tasty, and, so far, you haven't given me any happy endings... So, once we see the full context, it's really your fault, I simply had to bite you and–"

"God", he chuckled, after looking shocked for a full minute, "every time I think I'm starting to get you, you leave me completely lost."

"Better than you, who always leave me horny and give me no sugar", she actually pouted after the embarrassingly revealing remark.

"You know I want to give all the sugar you desire, as long as we–"

"Are having more than a one night stand. Yes, yes, I know", she rolled her eyes, which he thought adorable. She was still pouting like a spoiled child when he spoke again.

"And having many one night stands doesn't count either, Fanny. You know I want more than that." He couldn't help laughing when she scowled at him. Terry desired her more than any woman he'd ever met, still, he had to tell himself the wait would be worth it.

"Yes, yes, you want 'a day relationship', not only a night adventure", she repeated, with an annoyed tone, something he'd said to her a few days ago, when she'd appeared at his apartment with a Playboy bunny outfit, stating she was going to a very late and very naughty Easter Party. It took all his will to drive her home untouched. Well, almost, for they made out for a few minutes in his car. Yet again.

"Very well, you're turning into a very good student", he joked.

"Oh, but I wanna be so bad with you, Detective", she said in a hushed tone, a sexy smile playing on her lips. "Besides, I still owe you thanks for all your help."

"So now you think I helped. A couple of hours ago you were accusing me of being useless." He reminded her.

"Only because you didn't compliment my new haircut and my new dress", she spat back, faking irritation.

Fanny loved the games they played. This was becoming the longest flirt-slash-foreplay she'd ever had in her life. So far, so good, but her self-control was on the brink of exploding into a million chocolate pieces. Fanny always had the guy she wanted, and she never wanted any guy like she wanted Terry. So she'd have him, no matter what! Even if she had to invade the cubicle airlines called a bathroom to get him with his pants down!

Wait a sec. That's a great idea!

She waited patiently for hours, offering drinks whenever she could. Finally, in the middle of the flight, Terry needed to go to the bathroom. Fanny walked to the bathroom he got into a few moments afterward, and stood right in front of it.

"What do you think you're doing?" Denise surprised her. It might be great flying first class, but having her cousin breathing down her neck wasn't that amazing.

"What does it look I'm doing?", Fanny pretended innocence. Her cousin must know her pretty well, if she'd already guessed what Fanny was up to. "I'm waiting for my turn to use the bathroom, of course."

"No, you idiot! I'm talking about the hottie you brought with you!" Fanny was relieved, even though she felt jealous her gorgeous cousin had noticed the detective's charms. What was she expecting? Terry was very hot indeed.

"He wants a relationship, Dee!", Fanny offered as explanation for her behavior and doubts.

"I'm sorry. And that's bad? After all the morons you dated, do yourself a favor: hit that jackpot!"

That's precisely what I'm attempting to do, Fanny thought angrily. "Okay, Dee", she agreed automatically, hoping it would make her cousin leave.

"I'm serious, Fanny! As soon as he opens this door, I want you to jump in that toilet with him and–" Denise saw her cousin's expression and figured it out. "Oh. That's exactly what you're going to do, right? Well, good luck, hon'. And no worries: I'll cover for you."

Denise had just proven she and Fanny shared the same blood. She waited for a few moments longer, and as Terry opened the door to get out, she got in and locked them both in the minuscule bathroom.

"What are you doing?", Terry had been behaving as a gentleman, but that proximity to Fanny made things hard. Very hard indeed.

"What do you think I'm doing?", she was already taking her dress off as she spoke.

"This isn't what we agreed on!" He was desperate now! She was wearing sexy, black lace underwear, which contrasted beautifully with her pale skin. Oh, he was so lost.

"Look, dude, you're asking me to buy a car without a test drive first!" She was now unzipping his jeans. "I want my test drive! I demand my test drive!"

"I– What?" He was confused, and the fact her hands and tongue were touching very sensible parts of his body was making everything foggy.

"I might not eat my chocolate now, but I'm definitely going to taste it!"

Terry was about to ask something, but, as Fanny fulfilled her threat, he forgot all about it. 

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