Part 19 Until tomorrow

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"PUT ME DOWN!!!!" I screamed squirming in Alexander's grip.

"Calm down sweetheart you know ill do it anyways, but right know I feel a little heart broken, why dd you have to run away a week ago?" he said nuzzling my forehead.

"I'm am not YOUR sweetheart!!"

He throws me onto the bed we share.

"Then do you belong to that other guy?" he says sitting on the bed a little close to me.

I scoot away and sigh " well...yes"

"So you've done 'it' with that man?" he asks kind of embarrassed.

"" we haven't really gotten to that stage in our relationship, and I feel a little uncomfortable doing that anyway.

"Then you don't really belong to him in that way!" he says in a very cheerful manner putting his hands together and grinning widely, his sharp carnivores showing in the dim light of the room.

"So I still have a chance to make you completely mine!!" he said before jumping on top of me and holding my wrists down on the bed.

I try to kick him off of myself.

"Buuuut" he said " we must wait until tomorrow night or I will be going against tradition!"

He flutters off and goes into another room with the grin still on his face.

"Sky where are you my love?" It's been almost a week now ( aka about more than a month in the overworld)

"Don't forget to drink this dear, we want you to be you again right?"

Without hesitation I Have to drink it or he will force me to.

I don't mind the taste anymore but I still cringe at the after taste.

I don't lose my conscious as? much , just a flash of heat signatures and a temporary headache.

"Here" Alex shows me the amulet.

"You had this around your neck."


"Thought so" he says putting the amulet around my neck, a tint of green flashed through his eyes then vanished when he blinked again.

" After our wedding we can have a little night time 'Fun'" he winks


"Are We There Yet!!!!" I am going to die if I don't see Ty right now

Seto only replies with a grumble before giving me an actual answer

"Well we ARE almost there, right through this cave system so that means we have to be near each other at all times!"

Puffypuff pulls me away from the rest of the group

"What is it?" I ask looking a her she looks behind us.

"I know that Herobrine is your father



I pull her over a bit farther away from seto and Rosie.

"How do you know this?!" I ask she yelps at my sudden out burst.

"I looked through your memories and I saw what you have seen"

"Guys we have to go now if we don't the daylight will be gone and you know how much of a pain it is to protect you guys from the monsters here right?"

"We could take the long route to the portal it's a little safer, all we have to do is go around the mountain but it will take at least 2 more days" Rosie said pointing north

"No the faster we get there the faster we can save Ty" I was not going to let Ty wait anymore I have to be there as soon as possible,

" We must be careful then,the mobs here are fierce" Rosie said

I walk away from Puffypuff her red eyes look around and he immediately pulls everyone in a bush.

"Shhhh" he places a finger on her mouth.

A high pitched screech filled the cave echoing until coming out into the air , large shadows fly over the hiding spot.

As the screeching becomes silent Puffypuff peeks out her ears flopping around.

" What was that" Rosie asks moving back to give every one space.

Her nose wiggles as she sniffs the air.

" Alexander's guards some one stole something and now they are chasing some one, a human * sniff* female, and smells like a Peanut butter jelly sandwich?"

" Sorry that was lunch..hehe"

We all look back to see a girl waving lightly.

"Sup" she says

"I know you!!" Rosie says angrily



How ya been eh it's been a while huh?

So like always

If you like vote idc

Any questions ask and ill be sure to answer ASAP

(Using mobile devise from now on major pain.

Sorry for incorrect grammar and stuff)

Love you!!

--Puffypuff out


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