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"Wake up Lord Alexander" a soft young voice called out to me.

I sit up to see a maid in the room, I look over to see Alex still sleeping,

"Oh, Good morning Sir Enderlox"

"Enderlox?" Alex groaned pulling on my shirt.

"The potion worked, now your you, Forever!" he says happily

Wait forever?

I place my hands on my head and sure enough horns, claws, vampire like teeth, a tail, and wings.

I felt a little taller and heavier, and I had longer hair about as long as my arm.

I guess that's why Alex made me put on bigger clothes last night.


' I had. It around my neck where could it have gone?'

" Guess what today is!" Alex says as a maids brush his hair.

"What?" I say with the bathroom door open, cutting my hair to what it use to be like.

"Our wedding!" he says pulling me onto his lap hugging me.

Sh*t I forgot

"So we have about 6 hours to train you to control your inner demon!" he says throwing me up onto the air, then landing on the plush bed.

------ Castle gardens

"Okay because we are hybrids we can do special things , we can become our other half.!"

Alexander says putting his hands together.

"So because this is the End EX you must learn our culture and learn to control that demon "

He takes a step back and bows down.

" When we are I front to each other we must do this"


This is going to be a long training session.

And I can't really run or really fly away so lets hope for the best...

Have to find it... That's all I have left of him after today... and maybe even tonight.


"I know you!!" Rosie said pointing at the girl who by the looks of it liked the color red.

"Sup Rosie, long time no see" the girl said with a smirk then placing a bag behind her.

Seto quickly grabbed the bag and began to look through it.

"Hey that is mine" she said, about to tackle Seto but Puffypuff was one step ahead of her and jumped on her.

"Puffy be carful she's human you know" Rosie said looking the direction Puffypuff and the mystery girl where.

"A book about Ancient black magic, a golden dagger, what looks like l crystalized blood in a jar and a Amulet that looks like yours sky ?" Seto said examining the red gem in the jar, putting it up into the light.

"WHAT!" the girl quickly got out of puffy's grip an took the jar away from the sorcerer.

"Man, it was a liquid when I had it bottled up in the jar"

I just realized something

"THAT IS MINE" that's my amulet ... it is missing the amethyst gem.

'Does that mean that my father was there earlier?'

"Sky I know who this girl is!" Rosie said arms crossed and a very unhappy look on her face.

"Who is it" Seto said taking the jar and the bag away from the 'thief'.

"Well this is Kasie" she says pointing at her almost poking an eye out.

"Calm Jo self down I was just 'borrowing' a few things that's all no big deal" Kasie says

Kasie waves and takes her now empty bag back.

" Well you know that ancient black magic can only be used be hybrids right ,Kasie?' Seto says looking through the book.

"This is very unstable dragon magic"

He says counting in his fingers something.

" almost 3,000,000 year old magic!, I don't have this in my library!'

"We must go now its already nightfall!" Puffypuff said

Picking every one up and carrying them out into the open forest floor wings came out of her back a white feathered wind and a dragon like wing she descended into the air

"The hell!"both Rosie and Kasie said

Kassie grabbing onto Rosie who was trying to admire the view of the mountain ranges below.

" I did no know she could do that" Rosie said to Seto

Seto responded with " me either" with his nose still stuck in the book.

"We will take the even faster way if we cannot hurry!!" Puffypuff a few hours later we landed on the beach shore dropping every one in the sand.

" The portal is here" Puffypuff pointed at the stained portal red gashes in a narrow cave and marks were all over it as something HUGE tried to claw it's way out.

" Ill enchant some armor just in case?" Seto suggested. Handing the book over to PP.

Puffypuff walks over to the portal and stares.

"No we go now!"

She smiles and begins to chant

'His father' {Skylox}Where stories live. Discover now