Part 1

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Todays the day, Your little sister Susan, was getting married. You weren't suppressed at all, Deric and Susan had been going out since high school and she has been happy ever since. And when she was happy you were too. 

It was now 9:00 am in Modesto and you were waiting for the bride, bridesmaids and mother of the bride with your father, who was getting extremely nervous. Finally the black car pulled up outside of the stunning church and you felt the sides of your mouth being raised into a huge smile as your sister practically leapt out of the car to greet the two of you.

Susan: Daddy!  she giggled as she hugged your dad in a tight embrace.

you: Hey what about me? you smiled as you held out to hug her.

Susan: Ha, ha very funny. she says hugging you.

Your farther softly took Susan's  hands in his and said

Dad: now I want you to know that even though I'm about to give you away, *sniff* I will always be here to take care of you.

Susan: Oh daddy don't cry because that's going to make me cry and then I'm going to be a mess.

Dad: I can't help it dear you know that he said drying a stray tear from the corner of his eye, as he and Susan walked into the church.

 A few minutes later your mum and bridesmaids got out of the next car that appeared in front of you. As your mother got out of the car she pointed to the gazebo where your younger sister was stood with a thoughtful look on her face. 

Mum: I think that Susan might want a big sis pep talk.

You turned to look at the gazebo and gave a sigh. You and Susan were best friends before she and Deric got together and that was at least 15 years ago. As soon as you left college you chased your dream of travelling all over the world but it was cut short when you got a call that said Susan was getting married (its been a year since then). So things between you and your sister were a little tense.

you: yea... I guess she might. Wish me luck you said as you began walking to the bride to be.

small Time skip (to the gazebo)

Just as you got to the Gazebo you herd Susan and Deric talking about something. Walking closer and closer you could hear the end of the conversation.

Susan: Deric that's... amazing... its amazing Fresno is like a top 50 market isn't it?

Deric: Actually its 55 but were on our way babe...*sigh* no luck about Paris.

Susan: Oh it's ok... it's fine as long as we're together. Fresno is the most romantic city in the whole world. I'm so proud of you.

As you got closer and closer you could see the pure look of disappointment on Susan's face. She had wanted to go to Paris since she was a little girl. You hated seeing her upset so you decided to interrupt.

you: *cough* sorry to interrupt this conversation but its bad luck to see the bride before the wedding, Deric. you said with crossed arms and a small smile plastered on your face.

Deric gave you a goofy smile he always does and said...

Deric: You know I don't believe in that stuff, ill be waiting at the alter, Susan. love ya.

Susan smiled and waved goodbye to him then turned to you.

Susan: hey (Y/N). Are you here to give me the older sibling pep talk? she asked as she began to sit down on a seat.

You smiled back and nodded. Your younger sister patted the seat next to her and you sat.

You: Susan when you were born... I didn't know what to think. Since I was only 10 or 11 at the time I thought that you popped out of thin air. I remember walking into the hospital room, mum was holding you in a blanket which had pink flowers all over it. I also remember what dad said when I first held you. He said " You might not think it now but one day she will become your best friend and when that day comes you will be bonded for life" At first I didn't believe him, but now I know what he meant. Susan, you are my sister and my best friend and I'm sorry I haven't been around for a few years but I promise if anything and I mean anything happens to you... I will be the one standing by your side and defending you no matter what.

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