Part 13

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Dr C: The only way to save the earth is to blow up the ship before the invasion starts. ( I'm not writing all of the hail galaxar bits)

Link: So how are we gonna do this?

You: like any machine, this thing will have an engine. destroy that, we destroy this invasion.

Dr C: We need to find the main power core.

Susan: How? this thing was huge even before I was shrunk.

B.O.B and his brilliant lack of mind asked one of the passing clones.

B.O.B: Excuse me can you direct us to the main power core?

Alien clone: Gladly. It's right there above the extraction chamber.

Of course it's on the ceiling of an alien ship and surrounded by hundreds if not thousands of alien clones ready to invade earth with weapons of mass destruction. Should have guessed.

B.O.B: Thank you very much and hail Galaxar. The blob said, mindlessly waving about the gun, almost pulling the trigger in the process.

You: Watch out!

Link: Hey watch out brainless.

Dr C: Oh goodness, GIVE ME THAT THING! A weapon like this needs to be held in the hands of someone responsible. Ironically the cockroach wasn't "responsible" enough to know where the trigger was and promptly shit the clone.


And just your luck that a newly 3d printed troop of clones were coming your way during this escapade.

Said aliens, begun to murmur and question what the Doctor had just done.

Dr C: Hail galaxar?

Just as it couldn't get any worse, B.O.BS disguise ripped exposing you all for what you really were.


Quickly you ripped the shirt off of you and spread your wings to hide Susan behind. You knew full well that she was far capable of taking care of herself but it was an instinct by this point.

A red hologram of the beast himself, appeared in front of you.


And just like that, the fight was on.

Immediately Link started swatting them down like flies from all directions. One went one way and one went another.

You: Susan grab a gun and be careful.

Susan: Right. 

While you were occupied, fighting off clones, you failed to realise that one was preparing themselves to shoot at you. It pulled the trigger and 2 beames of laser hit you in each wing...but it didn't hurt, it didn't even pinch, instead both of your wings were tingling in a way you'd never felt before and it felt FANTASTIC!. You reared to look at the clone with an insane look in your eye. Within seconds you were in front of it and threw it off of the side.

You didn't know what that gun did to you but it definitely didn't take damage. Your wings were still intact and working like normal. However, you didn't have time to think when the doctor was in the same position you were in. Gun pointed at his face.

Your wings blocked the way of the clones gun while you snatched another from the Doctors hands and sent the clone flying to the ground. You were stood there a panting mess for a few seconds before looking over at the Doc. He looked like he was about to faint and jump for joy at the same time.

You: That sucked, teaching you some self-defence when we get back to the compound.

Dr C: W-what? where did you learn how to do that?

You: I travelled the world, you think I didn't learn some things?

He just shrugged off his shock and looked at a crowd of clones coming towards you.

Dr C: Looks like that's my cue to look for a way up to the power core.

You: yea we'll see you there. you answered tiredly.

After a few minutes of continues non-stop fighting you finally made your way to the centre of the ship where Link was. Everyone was putting so much effort and it showed. Link and you were sweating bullets, B.O.B was chewing them up and spitting them out (literally) and Susan was heading straight for you... wait.

Before you knew what was happening you were smashed against a wall and slid off of the edge of the platform.

Link: (Y/N)! he yelled as he ran to catch you but by the looks of it you didn't need saving.

You were flying. Like... properly flying and you couldn't think why. you didn't know how you were doing it but with just a flutter of your wings, you were curring through the clones like a warm knife through butter. While having a quick check to see if there any more to fight you saw Doctor Cockroach under the bridge and silently swooped down to pick him up.

You: Yoink


You: what don't like heights?

Dr C: I'm not usually a fan. NO!

With a giggle, you placed him with the others on the bridge.

Susan: I can't believe we made it!

You: Uh sorry to burst your bubble but he just 3D printed more. you stated.

With a quick glance around your area, you saw that you were under the power core.

You: B.O.B

B.O.B: Yea?

You: I need you to take the guys up there ok?

B.O.B: ON IT! the blob said wrapping his arms around the 2 boys and hoisted them up to the core, as you did the same with Sue.

Sorry but this dance scene is perfect and I can't add anything to it.

Computer: Security protocol breached. ship has been set to self-destruct. Total onialation in T minus 6  minutes.

You: Since when can the old man dance? you asked with a smirk.

Dr C: since... I don't remember.

The doctor looked a tad embarrassed not like there was anything to be embarrassed about.

You: You've gotta teach me some moves when this is over.

With all of you back on the bridge, it immediately felt off.

Link: Look at thShip ll self desat they're all running scared. Monsters win!

Susan: UH I don't think that's why they're running.

Computer: Ship will self destruct in T minus 5 minutes

( fin fact- originally (Y/N) was going to be Mongers daughter and was there learning the ropes on how to take care of monsters. Once again I'm glad I scrapped that idea. There was no flavour to it.) ( next chapter is on the 13th of November)

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