Part 2

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With extreme caution, she placed you on the table next to the glob of what looked like food. Suddenly you heard a scuttle behind Susan. She also herd it and whipped her head around to see what made the noise.

Susan: Hello? what was that?

You heard the noise go behind you so you turned to see what it was. Susan had a look of pure fear in her eyes and it was understandable but for some reason, you weren't scared you were on edge but not scared. You took a couple of steps backwards where your sister was stood when you saw movement.

2 long brown antennae and a head emerged from behind the blob of food. Then whatever it was stood on its hind legs and stood in the open. It war a white lab coat, black shoes and yellow pled trousers. Its face and figure was what interested you the most though.

Dr Cockroach: Hello he said in a British accent

You were about to answer the creature but you were cut off by Susan freaking out.

Susan: EWWWW!

Susan then snatched the large metal spoon that was placed in the blob of food and swung at the insect-like lifeform. You would have tried to stop her but you were trying to not get hit yourself.

Dr Cockroach: will you stop* swing* careful*swing *

It was now on the spoon. Knowing what your sister was about to do you hid behind the food and closed your eyes.

Dr cockroach: PLEASE Madam *slam* STOP * bonk* DOING *boing* THAT *slam*

When you herd the room goes silent, you opened your eyes and peeked out from your hiding place to see the insect twitching on the table. He began to stand up ( and I say He because his voice sounded male) and as he did so he stumbled around trying to find his balance He was also blinking rapidly.

Dr Cockroach: Whatever mad scientist made you. He really went all out He said to Susan as he fell on his face which made you giggle a little.

Susan was still in complete shock. She dropped the spoon in the floor and walked backwards with both of her blue eyes wide as dishes.

Susan: You can talk?

Suddenly she fell backwards as she slipped in something. Seeing this made you laugh out loud as you walked towards the edge of the table to see your sister on the floor.

you: Are you ok? you said giggling like mad earning a cold glair from Susan as she looked under her shoes.

 You turned to see that the insect was now stood up with his back towards you. For a couple of seconds, you stood there frozen in shock. you didn't know what to say or do so you just stood there in silence. After a few seconds of dusting himself off, he turned around and saw you looking at him which made him jump.

Dr Cockroach: OOOHHH my goodness, you scared the living daylights out om me. I didn't expect you to be there.

You wanted to answer but you were still frozen so the only answer he got was...

you: UM...

He looked at you with confusion at first but then realised why you were nervous and took a couple of steps towards you.

Dr Cockroach: Sorry I haven't introduced my self I'm Dr Cockroach PHD and you are? he said extending his hand for a shake.

You took his hand and was about to tell him your name but was cut off when you heard someone else's voice come from where Susan was sitting.

B.O.B: Hi there he said to Susan with a smile.

Your sister obviously freaked out and threw him in your direction.

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