Part 7

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"This is crazy. This is crazy. This is crazy. This is crazy. This is crazy. This is crazy. This is crazy. This is crazy. "  Was all you could think of. The words kept repeating in your head and you knew exactly why... BECAUSE IT WAS CRAZY!


Susan gave you a look of horror and anger.



With fear glazed eyes, Susan breathed heavily. Getting herself ready for what she had to do next. You however took it upon yourself to take your teammates to safety. First was Link then Bob but you couldn't find the Doctor. While frantically looking for the insect, you began to feel very tired. your wings couldn't keep you in the air for much longer even with the adrenalin running through you.

At the corner of your eye, however, you saw who you were looking for. The Doctor looked just as bad as you, with lab coat torn, dirty and his face had a few scratches.  You quickly scooped him up and shouted


With as much strength that she ha left in her, she grabbed the ropes that had wrapped themselves around the beast and pulled. The Robot slowly began to lean forward, losing its balance. The air around you begun to thicken with fear and dust as the bridge crumbled into the river below. A tidal wave of water rushed over you when you saw the robot fall and just when you thought it was all over, a peace of the bridge fell and separated the creatures head from its metal body.

By this point your wings couldn't take anymore and you practically collapsed onto the tarmac. The team (Including a now conscious Link) quickly came to your aid.

Dr c: are you alright, my dear?

With a breathless smile, you looked at the group of monsters you were with. Never in your life did you ever think you'd ever be in a position like this. A Half-human half-butterfly creature with a 60-foot tall sister and 3 strange beings... but you were so happy you were.

Time skip on the plane

Susan:  3 weeks ago if you had asked me to defeat a giant, alien, robot, I would have said no can do.  Susan said with a grinning from ear to ear.

Susan: But I did it, me. I'm still buzzing. Did you guys see how strong I was? There probably isn't a jar in this world I cant open.

You hadn't seen Susan this happy in years and it clearly showed. like your sister, you were practically hmming at what you had just been through. Fighting an alien isn't an everyday occurrence for you.

You: Susan, you were amazing.  I can't believe how brave you were.

Dr C: The two of you were positively heroic.

you: Me? All I did was flutter around and distract the thing. You sent him a confused look.

Dr C: My Dear, you were nothing but astound me today. I liked how you managed to save everyone on the bridge. 

While saying this, he was looking at you. You couldn't explain it but it was... different.

Dr C: Weren't they amazing Link?

Said monster had been strangely quiet throughout this conversation. During the fight, he had taken it upon himself to get knocked out and ended up sleeping until you dragged him off of the bridge.  So there he sat, in the generals car, silent and broody.

Link: Yea they were great. Realy cool. Loved it.

Dr C: Oh poor, Link. After all the tough talk you were out monstered by a couple of girls.

You: And that's a problem....why?

Link let out a sigh and turned to face you and the group.

Link: Nothing. Nothing is wrong with that. I'm just tired

Bob: Why are you tired? You didn't do anything.

Link: For your information, I haven't been sleeping well, ok? I have sleep apnea. It's not fun.

You walked over and leaned on your fishy friend. However you didn't notice another watching you do so.

Susan: So Links a little rusty. I mean... sleep deprived. you'll be back to yourself in no time and so will I.

You gave her a quizzical look.

You: Susan, what happened to the whole "there isn't a jar I can't open" stuff?

Bob: Yea. Wait did you find a jar you couldn't open? what was it, did it have pickles in it? WHERES THE GIANT JAR OF PICKLES, SUSAN?

The lab-coated doctor suddenly spoke up in order to calm bob. 

Dr C: WHAT my associate is trying to say, is that we find the new Susan the Cats ME- WOW. he chuckled to himself for a few seconds.

Susan: Aww thinks you guys that is so sweet. But I have a normal life, waiting for me, you know?

You: Susan, you know I love you but how is this "normal life" going to work with you being.......a.....

Susan: A  giant? I'm not going to be like this forever. Derek and I won't rest until we've found a cure for this... condition. We're a team.

The amount of sadness you felt in that moment was unbearable. Her and Derek? a team? That hurt.

Dr C: We could all do with a Derek. Perhaps one day we might make his acquaintance?

Susan was surprised

Susan: really? you guys want to meet Derek?

While your team was distracted, you excused yourself and walked to a corner of the plane cabin, that was to become your fortress of solitude. At least that's what you thought.

The cockroach had noticed your absence in the and when he saw you looking upset he had to help you.

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