Part 4

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Monger: Your cell is this way. He said hovering over to a familiar room.

you: so I'm guessing you don't get new monsters often.

Monger: what makes you say that?

you: Oh I don't know, probably the way your crew were looking at me and Sue during orientation. Or that the monsters in general were extremely surprised to see us.

The general then turned to face you.

Monger: The monsters were surprised to see 2 females, yes but my crew were surprised by you in particular (Y/N).

you: Me? why?

Monger: There are 2 reasons why.

1) The way you reacted towards seeing the monsters. We expected you to act allot more like your sister but you handled it very well.

2) being that you became a butterfly and Ginormica became a giant. but that is a conversation for another day.

Your panel began to move into the cell and the doors began to close.

You: So watts my new name general? you asked with a small smile.

Monger: Insectia.

That was the last thing you herd for the rest of the evening.

Seconds after the doors closed the lights came on revelling the familiar room except this time it had a large mirror on one of the walls and a book on your bed. With closer inspection, it had a black cover and a golden title that read " how to fly" on it.

" I guess I know what I'm going to be doing for a couple of hours" you thought as you sat on the bed and opened the book to its first page.

Dr Cockroach(POV)

Not long after Monger had taken (Y/N) to her cell, I began to think, as I walked back to my project. (sorry if this doesn't make sense)

" They're certainly interesting but it's (Y/N) in particular that caught my eye the second I saw her. Why?"

Time skip 1 month later

3rd person POV

It has been a month now and you had become close friends with all the monsters. The monster you hung around the most was the Doctor. He would always ask for your opinion on things and ask you about your life and what it was like on the outside. While you asked him about what his life was like before he became a monster.

That day was no different than the others. Link and B.O.B were playing go fish (with Insecto in the background helping Link win) And you were helping the doctor make Susan small again.

You: Almost done?

Dr Cockroach: Yes I just need these. He said scuttling over to he little radio that was on the table where Link and B.O.B were.

Dr Cockroach: They called me crazy but I'll show them! I'll show them all *evil laugh*

Susan: Doctor, id prefer you didn't do your mad scientist laugh while I'm hooked up to this machine.

Insecto let out a roar and the other monsters got up from their seats to walk towards you and the cockroach.

Link: You've been letting this quack experiment on you for over a month. He said looking at Susan

Dr Cockroach: I'm not a quack I'm a mad scientist.

you: There's a difference? you said with a giggle earning a small smile from the dock

Susan: Guys, what choice do I have? If he can get me, or even 6 foot 8 I can get out of here. Have the life I'm supposed to have. I mean I should be in...

Link: let me guess Fresno?

you: Susan we've all heard this over a million times. it's getting boring.

Susan: *sigh* Throw the switch doctor, b-but don't do the laugh.

Dr Cockroach: Now you're going to feel a slight pinch in the brain muhaa * you elbowing him slightly* sorry.

Time skip

Dr Cockroach: SUSAN! YOOHOO! he said as he climbed on her chin.

You climbed up next to him and looked at her with worry

You:  you ok?

Susan: am I small yet?

Dr Cockroach: I'm afraid not, my dear. In fact you seem to have actually grown a couple of feet.

You, Link and the doctor jumped off of and landed on the floor so Susan could sit up properly.

Susan: its ok doctor. We'll try again tomorrow.

Link: You really don't get it do ya? NO MONSTER HAS EVER GOTTEN OUT OF HERE!

B.O.B: That's not true the invisible man did

Link: no he didn't we just told you that so you wouldn't get upset. *sigh* He died of a heart attack 25 years ago.


Link: yea. in that chair over there. he's still there... you see nobody's leavening. nobody's getting out.

Suddenly a small door opened and monger came out in a small military vehicle.


A huge smile was plastered on your face as soon the word " good was used"

Link: until today.

Small skip

Link: so let me get this straight Monger. You want us to fight an Alien robot.

Monger: And in exchange, the president of the U.S has allowed me to grant you your freedom.

Susan: I can't believe it, soon ill be back in Derick's arms. Or he'll be in mine.

Link: I can't wait for summer break in Coco beach just... freaking everybody out.

B.O.B: And ill go back to my lab and finally finish my experiments.

Dr cockroach: No that's me B.O.B

The Doctor then turned towards you.

Dr Cockroach: What about you (Y/N) what are you going to do when you leave this place?

You: Oh, I'm not leavening

The Cockroach gave you an " are you insane look.

Dr Cockroach: Why? May I ask?

you: Because I've seen almost everything and done almost everything. I have nothing to go back to. My parents only called me once within the 3-year trip I took around the world and that was only to tell me that Susan was getting married. The Only friends I have are you, Link, B.O.B and Insecto.

Dr Cockroach: So watts the plan? what are you going to do?

you: Learn how to fly properly I suppose.

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