Part 8

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Derek and Susan? A team? of all things to say after that battle, Derek is a team player? In the past, you had tried to convince yourself that he was a good guy. That he would do right by Susan but you knew deep down that wasn't true. You knew how selfish he was but knew it wouldn't matter to Susan ( or anyone else that knew him). You were sat against a wall, letting all of these thoughts bounce around your head. You were disappointed, to say the least.

The doctor took a seat beside you, with a groan.

You: you alright there old man? you asked giving him a slight nudge, earning you an amused look.

Dr C: Oh haha very funny. I could as you the same question.

You: Hey I'm not an old man, Cheeky. you giggled

Dr  C: No no that's not... I was... You know what I mean. You looked a bit upset, so what's the matter?

You couldn't tell him what you were thinking but you had to tell him SOMETHING.

you: I've just been thinking... that robot it was after Susan and when it saw me it kept its eye on me. Whatever that thing was or whoever it was sent by... it's after us.

The Doctor scootched closer to you and wrapped you in a hug. 

"umm... what's happening? He's hugging me? He's trying to comfort me... this is a strange feeling but in a good way" you thought.

Dr C: My dear, I'm sure that's not the case.

You: But what if it is? What if another robot is sent and I can't help you guys?

Dr C: Well of that ever happens, we will be right there to help you. Well, Bob and I will I don't know about Link. he joked making you smile.

You: That's good to hear. But I'm not gonna be much help if I cant fly. you said wriggling out of his grip.  I need to get learning.

Just before you stood up, you placed a kiss on the doctor's cheek, with a smile.

He froze for a second and looked at you in disbelief.

Dr C: W-what was that for?

You: To thank you. No one has been this kind to me in a long time so.... thanks.

The doctor opened his mouth to say something before Susan's voice rang through the air.

Susan: (Y/N)! WE'RE GOING HOME!!

The smile you had quickly disappeared off of your face.

You: Oh.... yea that's... fantastic

With a huff, you pulled yourself off of the floor and turned to pull up the doctor.

You: Come on, old man, you're about to meet my parents. 

Doctor Cockroach POV

Dr C: Alright, I'll be with you in a moment, my dear. 

She kept on walking to the rest of the team, and I couldn't help but watch her as she did so. "What is the matter with me?" I asked myself, peeling my eyes off of her.

"I can't be feeling these things. She's a friend... well. NO, stop it."

With a sigh, I straightened up my coat and collar. " Ok, be calm. Walkout there and be calm."

Link: You alright Dock?

Dr C: AAAA! O-oh, Link it's you. Yes of course I'm alright. What on earth gave you that impression?

Link: I don't know, maybe the fact that you haven't been able to keep your eyes off of (Y/N) since she got to the compound?

"Looks like I'm not as good at keeping it to myself as I thought."

Time skip to Modesto (3rd person)

The second the plane doors opened, you were hit with a wave of panic and nostalgia. Admittedly it hadn't been that long since you had last seen your childhood street but it still made you feel strange and not in a good way.

Monger: First stop, Modesto. Ladies, I called your family to let them know you were coming home.  I also called the Modesto PD, told them not to shoot at you.

Susan began to climb out of the plane and while she was crouched you sat on her shoulder.

Susan: Thanks, General. she smiled

Susan: Isn't it great to be home?

(Y/N): yea... Susan, I'm confused. I really don't know what to do.

Susan: OOOOHHH. she lowered her voice to a whisper. Is this about your feelings for the Doc?

Your headshot to look her in the eye.

Dr Cockroach POV

I was in my own world but was nudged back into reality by link.

Dr C: What was that ...

Link: Shush, listen. he said glancing up at the girls.

Dr C: What? no it's rude to...

Link nudged me again but a little bit harder this time.

Link: Shut your pie hole and listen.

I begrudgingly did as I was told.

(Y/N): Excuse me what?

Susan: I've known you my entire life and we grew up as best friends, I know when you have a crush on someone, (Y/N).

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