Part 10

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Nighttime came way quicker than expected, that evening. Thank whatever god/ gods there are for that. All of Susans friends and your parents were hesitant to talk to any of you. On one hand, you understood why. Its not everyday monsters are released from a secret base and let loose on the unsuspecting public. But with the guys trying so hard to fit in and impress these people... it hurt to see.

With your feet in the pool, you took a large gulp of your drink... and another...and another.

Link: Hey, you alright there, (Y/N)?

 You: Yes, Link. I'm great, never been better. You huffed sarcastically.

Link: Yea, you sure look like it. He joked earning a death glare from you.

He took a seat next to you with a grunt.

Link: whats wrong, Buttercup?

You: Buttercup?

Link: Don't get excited, I've been thinking of a nickname for you for the past month and it was ether Buttercup or Flutterby.

You rolled your eyes and nudged him jokingly.

You: Buttercup's fine with me. AND in regards to what's wrong with me... it's complicated.

Link: Its the looks isn't it? The way they're looking at all of us? Because if so, you're not the only one getting the creeps.

You: No, it's not just that, Link. Its how: you, Monger, Dr C and Bob have been more of a family to me in just over a month than my family have my entire life! you sighed, taking another drink with shaking hands.

Link was sat listening to you vent. He didn't know any of this, Hell non of them did.

Link: Well, you're a free monster now right? You never have to see any of these people again if you don't have to. And even I know that you can't pick your family but you can pick your friends.

You giggled.

You: I didn't pick you guys either but here we are. you smiled

Link: There ya go even better. He smiled and stood up with you following shortly after and began walking to the "bar".

Link: Feeling better now?

You: Yes, actually, I think I'll have a proper drink now.

Small skip

( Scene plays out as normal and continues after)

( For those who can't see this video it's after  Link- gets chlorine in his eyes   Dr C- blows up the bar and bob flirts with some jelly)


Everyone follows suit and runs away into the darkness.

Bob: What are they running away from?

You were seething with anger. You had ASKED your parents to be respectful to your friends. and for once in your life you thought that they would have done that but no.

Taking a few seconds to calm down, before you walked up to the 3 boys.

You: Come on you 2, let's get you cleaned up... BOB... why don't you have a snack on the fence.

Bob: Oh YES I've been eyeing that all evening. He said stuffing his face.

After a few seconds of getting the 2 boys into your parents house, you sat them at the dining room table. They both looked like they had been dragged through hell and you were still humming with anger, as you went to grab some supplies.

While you were out of the room, Link turned to the doctor.

Link: Where were you an hour ago? He whisper/ yelled

Dr C: Excuse me? what are you talking about?

Link: (Y/N) has been upset about being here for HOURS and you were doing what? Tinkering with trash?

Before the Doctor could answer, you walked back into the room with some water and baby wipes. 

You: I am so sorry you guys.

Dr C: Whatever for my dear?

You: For my family's behaviour. I'm afraid, those other people were Susan's friends so I can't apologise for them. You stated, handing Link the water for his eyes.

Link: (Y/N), really it's fine, we're used to it.

You: And that's a good thing? That's just upsetting. you sighed grabbing a baby wipe and handing it to the cockroach.

Dr C: I agree, however that's the way weave been treated for over 50 years. Just because we saved a city doesn't mean that they'll treat us any different.  He stated, wiping his face clean of ash.

This didn't make you feel any better and you became visibly disappointed.

Link: I'm gonna head to the bathroom and then we'll go find Susan. I think it's safe to say the party is over don't ya think?

You didn't give a reply at first.

You: Huh?... Oh yes, the party's over. Susan should be with Derek so shell be at the news station.

Link: cool

Just before Link left the room he motioned for the doctor to keep talking to you.

Dr C: Sooooo.... what were you talking to Link about earlier?

You took one look at him and giggled at seeing his face.

Dr C: What?

While still in fits of giggles, you grabbed another baby wipe and shuffled closer to him.

You: You still have ash on your face.

He flinched away from you for a second, before realising what you were trying to do.

You: In regards to what I was talking about with Link, it was about my family and how they've treated me over the years. And after they've treated you guys tonight, I've made a decision to never see them again ( If possible)

Dr C: Wow, that's a big step to take. Have you thought this through?

You: Yea. you smiled. After being taken to the compound, I realised that... I don't miss any of them. I was and AM happier with you... and Link and Bob.

Seeing that while you were saying these things you were getting closer and closer to his face, you quickly finished cleaning his face. He seemed to notice too, making you panic slightly.

You: S-sorry. I didn't realise what I was doing. You said, reeling yourself away from him.

Dr C: It's quite alright. He answered trying to compose himself.

Before he could say anything else, Link piked his head trough the doorway.

Link: Come on love bugs, let's go find Susan.

(OOOOOO another cliff hanger. Next chapter will be on the 6th of  November)


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