Part 9

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Dr Cockroach POV

I was in my own world but was nudged back into reality by link.

Dr C: What was that ...

Link: Shush, listen. he said glancing up at the girls.

Dr C: What? no it's rude to...

Link nudged me again but a little bit harder this time.

Link: Shut your pie hole and listen.

I begrudgingly did as I was told.

(Y/N): Excuse me what?

Susan: I've known you my entire life and we grew up as best friends, I know when you have a crush on someone, (Y/N).


Doctor Cockroach POV

"(Y/N)? A crush? Who?"

Link sent me a smug look but pointed up again.

(Y/N): No. I mean yes, I do, but that's not what I was talking about.

Susan let out a whispered aww.

Susan: aww (Y/n) that's adorable. I mean, you spend so much time with each other it was bound to happen.

Link: see? told ya.

I had to change the subject. My brain was starting to turn to mush.

eHEM I coughed.

Dr C: Susan, how are your parents going to act when they see us?

3rd person POV

"That's a point" you thought. "How are mum and dad going to act when they see us? Knowing them they're going to freak out like the people on the bridge."

Susan: Ok, remember these people aren't used to seeing any of us. So just be... cool you know. Follow my lead. Susan said as she destroyed a picket fence.

The monsters followed suit, picking up planks of wood and almost breaking a car.

You: STOP!

you yelled and fluttered to the ground and grabbed the wood from links hands.


  You looked at the 3 and poked them with the wood.

You: Don't. Destroy. Anything.

Mum: Susan?

Dad: Susie co!!

Before you knew what you were doing you hid behind the Doctor. He stumbled for a second but understood why you did so.

Susan: Mum? Daddy?

Susan held them in her hands for a second and brought them in for a hug.  You could tell Susan was where she was supposed to be. With the people the belonged with. You on the other hand had never felt more out of your element then you did then.

Mum: Did they... experiment on you?

Susan: No, Mum I'm fine.

You know that look? you know, when you see a hairless cat for the first time. Its a mix of 2 things: Fear and confusion. Well that's the look you got from your own parents.

Susan: It's ok. They're with me. These are my new friends.

BOB: Oh Derek, I've missed you so much! Thinking that, one day we'd be together again. It's the only thing that got me through prison. I love you. I LOVE THIS MAN!

While this was happening to your mother you had to hold in your laugh to the best of your ability. Bob wasn't going to hurt her. However, you didn't expect him to hug her so hard that she ended up INSIDE HIM.

You: BOB STOP! That's my mother, you're suffocating her!

The Blob quickly spat her out. Covered in slime, she looked at you and flinched.  There was that look again, you hated it.

You: Are you alright?

Susan: I'm sorry mum. He's just a hugger. Wheres Derek?

Your dad walked right past you and helped your mother up off of the grass.

Mum: He's at work, sweety.

Dad: You know how he is about his career.

Susan:  Well we're not gonna celebrate without him. she said about to walk away.

Mum: UH, Susan? W-what do we do with all of your little friends?

Susan: (Y/N) will help you keep an eye on them. Maybe put out some snacks, they'll eat anything!!

And just like that, she was gone. 

You walked up to your family carefully.

You: Well, looks like im gonna help you monster- sit.

The looks of shock and amazement you got from them was nothing less than painfull to say the least.

Mum: (Y/N)? Is that really you?

You: Hi mum. you answerd sheepishly.

Dad: wow... look at you. youve... uh... changed.

No hugs. no smiles. nothing. no supise there.

You: Yea i have changed. Im fine by the way. I didnt get tested on ether, just so you know.

For a split second, you saw guilt in their eyes. 

Mum: Oh goodnes, im so sorry.

Dad: We thought you were one of susans friends.

You: Ha ok here we go. you mumbeld.  They are my friends too, Ok? Id id apresheate it if you treated them like people because they helped save this city today. So, please,be respectfull.

Undestandebly they were a bit wierded out for the next few hours.

Next update will be on the 30th of October. see ya there.

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