Part 14

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Computer: Ship will self destruct in T minus 5 minutes.

You all sprinted to the doors knocking away some clones in the proses.

Link: Hail Galazar. he grinned punching one off of the bridge.


Susan: We're not gonna make it! 

You sped up a little to catch much air under your wings as possible before you started picking up your friends one by one. Link then B.O.B then Susan and the doctor. Just as the doors were about to close on you, however, you lost the strength you had left in your wings and begun to sway.

You: I can't go much longer.


Your wings gave out and you tumbled to the ground. Susan managed to roll through the doors and not get squished, your wing wasn't so lucky.

You: AAAAAAAAAhhhh! you screamed as you felt it crunch.

Susan: (Y/N)! What happened? you heard her muffled yell through the door.

The boys rushed to your aid as quickly as they could. They were hesitant to do anything at first but it was soon made clear that they didn't know what to do. Link tried to pull the doors open, even just a little bit of space would have freed you but today clearly wast your day.

Link: Its no use. It won't budge.

On the other side of the door, you could hear Susan shouting.


With a quivering voice, you held back your tears.

You: Susan! get out of here while you still have the chance.

Susan: No! don't say that. I'm not leaving you guys.

You couldn't say anything else or she would hear you cry through the door.

Dr C: Yes you are. Rondayvoo with Monger, he's outside waiting for you... Go while there's still time.

Computer: Ship will self destruct in T minus 4 minutes.

Link: Don't worry about us, Susan. You finally have a chance to get your old life back.

Susan: I don't want my old life back.

You: Then make a new one. Live a long and happy life for us ok? You said with tears running down your face.

When you didn't get an answer you realised that she had gone. You hissed in pain trying to pry yourself up off of the floor. The doctor just sat you back down.

Dr C: Don't move! he said sternly I'll see what I can find. he said scuttling off.

Link suddenly realised what had happened to you and stood n shock for a second.

Link: Oh my god!

You: I am so sorry. I thought I could save us. I thought I was helping. you sputtered.

Link: No NO NO. (Y/N) You did great. don't cry. Susan wouldn't have gotten through that door without you. YOU helped her. you SAVED her.

You: yea... by condemning US.

The doctor returned with 2 things in hand. One was a thin piece of very sharp metal and the other looked like a wooden stick. Your eyes went wide when you realized what you had to do t free yourself and it made you cringe thinking about it.

Dr C: you ready?

You: no

( I'm not writing this part since it would get too graphic and I REALLY don't want to. ( the wing gets amputated and there's no blood since butterflies don't have blood in their wings. it's just a quick cut))

When it was over you collapsed into the doctor's arms. His eyes were filled with worry and you couldn't help but crack jokes like you usually did. you weren't in any pain now that the wing was gone, it could have been the shock but in that moment in time you couldn't have cared less about it.

You: Aww look at you all worried. Some would think you're in love with me. you said looking at the insect, with a cheeky smile.

Dr C looked back at you with a teary smile.

Dr C: They can say what they like when it's true. He said resting his forehead on yours.

Even in your final moments, he knew exactly what to do and say to turn you into a blushing mess.

Computer: Total onailation in T minus 1 minute.

You stood up and looked between your friends, you knew what was about to happen and you couldn't think of better people to do it with.

You: It's been an amazing journey, guys.

Link: Its been an honour knowing you all.

Dr C: The feeling is mutual, my friend.

B.O.B: I will see all of you tomorrow, for lunch.

Link: That's right B.O.B

Dr C: there will be candy and cake.

You: Balloons

B.O.B: Cake and Ballons for lunch? Its gonna be the best day ever, I LOVE YOU GUYS!

When you heard crashing above your heads you knew you were done for. But the impact never happened, instead, you were standing in the massive shadow. It was Susan. She was big again and you couldn't have been happier.

Dr C: By Hawkins chair.

With a grunt, Susan threw away the fallen power core, scooped you all up and super-man posed her way through the thick metal wall of the ship to the outside.

The 5 of you were now clinging onto the ship for dear life. Hanging onto whatever ledge you could to stop yourselves from falling to your deaths.

Computer:  Total oniolation in T minus 30 seconds.



Dr C: He said the only reason he wouldn't be here, is if he was dead!

A sudden explosion shook through the ship making Susan lose her grip. Panic shot through you felt the rush of air around you. 

Your panic didn't last long since a few seconds after the fall, Monger swooped in to catch you all.

Monger: OR LATE!

Monger, oh thank god. you thought, with a smile on your face. You didn't know that to expect but you could guarantee that, Monger on a re-animated, flying, insecto wasn't one of them.

Link was definitely to see his newly transformed friend.

Link: Insectosorus! YOU'RE ALIVE... and a butterfly.

You giggled when you heard that.

(I know the ship is blowing up but you don't care)

You: Looks like I'm not the only butterfly anymore. You said to the doctor. When you didn't get a response you turned to see him just staring off into space. This wasn't surprising since he would do this at times but usually snapped out of it quickly.  This time wasn't the case. 

You: Oh no. you mumbled under your breath when you saw your old home.

( Next chapter on the 13th of November)

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