Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

        Blue flashing lights filled the beach, and Clara's high pitched sobbing could be heard clearly.

        Even over the conversation between the detectives, forensics teams, evening joggers, dog-walkers and even the cafe owners had gathered round near the beach, Clara's cries were still audible.

        Many people could be heard whispering, 'What's happened... Wonder who that is?...'

        Clara and Tsuzumi were both in the back of an ambulance that  was about to rush them off to the hospital.

        Clara rang the front desk at the hotel to explain what had happened. She'd spoken to Lindsey which meant Phil had already left for  home.

        I don't blame him... Whats going on around here? Clara thought to herself.

        The ambulance crew slammed the doors shut, and hurried off to the nearest hospital.

        The ambulance sped to the hospital while Clara talked softly to her, making sure she knew she'd be OK.


        Just out of the shower, Craig was rushing to his hotel room door to answer to whoever it was who'd been knocking for the last five minutes.

        He opened the door to Laura and another woman. 'Hey, this is Detective Butler, she wants to ask a few questions.' Laura said as Craig let her and the detective in.

        'OK...' Craig said slowly. 'Come in, I'll make drinks for everyone. What we having?'

        'Coffee, black please. No sugar.' The detective stated.

        Craig nodded, he already knew what Laura would want. She forced him to make drinks often enough.

        Craig set about making the drinks while Laura and Detective Butler settled down on the sofa.

        As Craig sat down, the Detective started asking some questions. 'I believe you were in possesion of a key to Scarlett McBride's home?'

        'Yeah, me and Tom are close friends.' Craig explained.

        'Still close friends?' Detective Butler asked.

        Craig nodded. 'I thought you already had your suspects, and that it was a woman?' He asked.

        'Well... Yeah but...'

        'So why are you here bothering me?' Craig demanded.

        The detective sat almost open-mouthed at Craig's outburst. 'Well...'

        'Just get to finding the real killer OK?' 

        'Alright Craig...' Laura rose to her feet, 'Sit back down and listen. There's something I need to tell you...'


        'Avie?' Naomi shouted loudly over the noise from the lobby. Quickly turning around, almost straining her neck, Averia slipped on a patch of wet marble floor and let out a yelp.

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