Chapter 18

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        Chapter 18:

                Detective Misham and Detective Stevenson waited patiently behind the closed door of Averia's room.

         They had knocked about a minute earlier, but Averia had just stepped out of the shower. 'Just a second!' She'd shouted. 'You caught me just out of the shower! Be there in a minute.'

        Averia had no clue who could be at the door, until she opened it. 'Oh, hello Detective Misham, Detective Stevenson. Come in, what can I help you with?'

        'We believe we may be closer to finding Scarlett's killer...' Detective Misham said, bluntly.

        'What?' Averia said, in disbelief. 'Seriously?'

        'Yes. Now all we need is a bit more information to come up with more of a motive... Now we know Julliette Manford and your sister had a falling out, and there was a death threat made on Julliette's part?' Detective Stevenson asked, just to clarify.

        'Yes, that's correct.' Averia confirmed.

        'The eye-witness still swears it was a woman who was seen behind Scarlett on the balcony. We've narrowed it down to two people... Either Julliette...' The detective paused.

        'Or...?' Averia asked impatiently.

        'Well here's the thing... It's you, Ms Raynor.'


             Harley had just packed the bands equipment away after practise when his phone began to ring. It was an unknown number. 'Hello? He answered.

        'Hey, it's me, Avie. I'm in the police station.' She said.

'Why?' Harley asked, dropping everything, his heart beginning to race.

        'They think I might have killed Scarlett...' Averia cried. Unable to hear her sobbing any longer Harley cut her off.

        'Are you free to leave?' He asked.

        'For now, yeah, why?' Averia asked.

        'Stay outside, I'm coming to get you.' Harley hung up the phone and dashed outside to the bands van.

        He darted off quickly down the bust streets towards the police station, where Averia was anxiously waiting for him. Averia? Killing Scarlett?... That shit is just messed up. As if she'd do that!

        Once he'd pulled up, Averia jumped straight in the passenger seat. Harley leaned over and held her tightly as she cried for what seemed like forever.

         'Hey, it's OK. They'll find the real killer soon enough. There's no way they can hold you for this.' Harley reassured her.

        'What's upset me is the fact that they think I could have done it in the first place! My own sister...' Averia was shaking uncontraollably, tears streaming down her face, uneven wheezing breaths.

        'Calm down, Avie. Come on, let's get you a coffee.' Harley said, starting up the vans sick sounding engine. He drove them both back to the hotel and once inside, headed straight for Harley's room.


        'So let me get this straight...' Harley started as he closed the door, and Averia took off her thin grey cardigan and slumped on his sofa, 'They think you might have killed your own sister?'

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