Chapter 8 (Jackie and Rhya)

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I woke up next Wednesday morning because of my alarm clock. I hoped that I wouldn't have to take the bus again, because the last time I swear I saw a spider climb into a girl's purse.

I rubbed my eyes and got out of bed. I looked around the room and saw that this wasn't my bedroom. Then I remembered, I was at the Styles' house for the whole week, probably two weeks, since my parents had a few problems with the house in LA.

I grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom to get changed. I opened the door, to barge in on a half naked Harry, spraying himself with some cologne that smelled nice.

"Uh...shit, sorry.", I mumbled turning bright red. He rolled his eyes and shoved me out of the bathroom.

After he got out, I took a quick shower and dressed up.


I got my backpack, before heading downstairs in the kitchen.

"Oh, Jackie! Good morning!", Anne greeted me smiling. I made eye contact with Harry who was drinking a cup of tea. JJ was perched up on the counter, talking to Lindsay who was dressed up in short shorts and a top that left nothing to the imagination.

"Good morning Mrs. Styles.", I said nicely, before sitting down across from Harry.

"Call me Anne, please."

She put a plate of waffles in front of me, and even though I was starving, I could feel his eyes boring into my forehead.

"Harry, eat your breakfast, you haven't eaten anything yet! Don't you like waffles?"

"Yeah...uh, no I'm not hungry. I'll just grab something from school.", he spoke huskily.

Anne sighed and gave him a ten pound bill. "You need money too, Jackie? Since you're not eating either?"

"Oh no way, Mrs. Styles."


"Anne...I have money, but thank you for your offer.", I said smiling.

"You kids and your junk food these days...oh look at the time! You need to get going! Harry would you mind giving them a ride to school?"

Harry rolled his eyes and shrugged. "Sure, mom."

I bit my lip and clutched my stomach, to make it stop growling.

As we piled up in the car, Lindsay in the front, JJ and I in the back, Harry informed us that we would also pick Louis up on our way. I was kind of nervous, because since that kiss, who by the way, was my first kiss, Louis hadn't said a word to me.

The kiss didn't mean anything for the both of us, I knew that, but I was afraid he might beat me, just to prevent me from saying anything to anyone about the kiss. A thing I'd never do.

I didn't know why he did it, to be honest. The only thing that I knew, was that Louis was almost over the edge, to the point where he was about to break. He had problems in his family, and for some odd reason, I wanted to find out about it.

Even though he was rude to me, I wanted to help him, because there was a reason behind all the rage he was expressing.

We stopped by his house, just in time to see him exit the house together with four blonde girls. Two of them were identical. I gasped when I saw that one of the twins had a black eye. A yellow elementary school bus came around the corner, and he watched three of the girls get on the school bus, then he and the girl that seemed the oldest came towards the car.

"Scoot over, Lottie's joining us.", Louis mumbled opening the car door.

Louis got in next to me, followed by Lottie. She was wearing a uniform, which meant that she was going to a different school.

Our school also had uniforms, but no one seemed to wear them.

"Hey Louis.", Lindsay said seductively. Louis smirked.

"Hey Lindsay."

Then he turned to me.

"Move over, you're squishing me, you fat cow!", Louis said pushing me.

"Louis!", Lottie said swatting his arm. "You don't talk to girls like that you twat!"

"She's not a girl."

"You prick.", she mumbled.

She shot me a smile and I smiled, although the smile never reached my eyes. She winked and got out of the car, to an all girls school. She pecked her brother on the cheek, and he muttered a quick "See you on Saturday, behave."

I raised a brow when he closed the door. Weren't they family? Why were they seeing each other on Friday?

I decided to remain silent for the rest of the ride. Then I spotted Louis' suitcase at his feet. He was fiddling with his fingers, biting on his bottom lip.

"So...uh...Harry, I can stay at yours until Friday?"

Harry nodded. "We can both sleep in the shed."

Louis sighed relieved. I watched his hands as they gripped into his knees. I shuffled uncomfortable in my seat. Louis' knee was touching mine, and he kept swaying his knee against my knee.

When we got to school, Harry parked in the best spot in the parking lot. We got out of the car and Harry was soon greeted by Mackenzie, so attached her lips to his. His hands darted to her hips and squeezed her bum.

"Jackie Vega, well well."

Josh came over to us, smiling.

"How have you been love?", he asked pecking my cheek. He slunged an arm over my shoulder and pulled me to his chest.

I caught Louis' eyes for a split of a second, whilst Lindsay was playing with his hair, then Harry's. I drifted my vision to the pavement in front of me. The bell was heard and I sighed relieved.

I got through English alive, happy that neither one of the boys had AP English. Well Zayn was in the same class but he didn't show up.

I was really nervous about the next class, I had chemistry. When I got to class, Louis and Harry were already there. Harry was talking to Mackenzie, sitting on her lap and with his arm around her shoulder, while Louis was on his phone in the back of the class, in his seat.

I slowly made my way to my seat, before sitting down on it and putting my books on the table.

I fiddled with my fingers, before looking at him.

"Stop staring.", he mumbled, slowly typing on his phone.

"Sorry.", I whispered. He sighed and looked up, and after he made sure that nobody was watching, he turned to me.

He opened his mouth to say something, when the teacher came in. 

When the bell rang, so I went to my locker to get ready for rehearsals. My locker door suddenly slammed shut, and Louis appeared in my face. He was angry.


He pushed me and I stumbled a bit.

"Look at you.", he hissed and people started to glare. "You're a pathetic girl with a pathetic t-shirt. Nobody is ever going to want you, Jackie!"

I looked down at my 'I want you to want me' shirt. Maybe he was right. I gulped.

"Louis don't do this...", I said as he stepped closer.

"Shut up."

He slapped me, and was about to push me to my knees when the bell rang and a teacher yelled something to someone.

Louis turned around and disappeared, leaving me look at his back.

"Hey.", I greeted Rhya in rehearsals. She was reading her script, comfortably sitting on the stage. Everyone had something to do until the teacher came.

"So how's Dylan?", I asked her as I went through my lines.

"Dylan's great! He took me out at this great carnival this weekend, we should totally go sometime!"

I nodded, not in the mood of fun. Louis ruined my day...if not my week. I tried to ignore him for the rest of the day, and luckily I succeed.

And I succeeded for the rest of the day...or so I thought.


I blinked at the screen, tapping a response to Josh's text that asked me what I was wearing. I looked at the heavy rain that hasn't stopped since this afternoon, biting my lip, before typing.

To: Josh
Sent at: 10:20pm

Nothing attractive :) see you tomorrow? x


I smiled at Josh's good night text, before setting my phone on the table and getting my MacBook out.

I watched Pitch Perfect for the hundredth time, and when I was done, it was almost midnight. I put my UGGs on, wanting to go to the bathroom.

I washed my hands and brushed my teeth, before brushing my hair and taking my contacts off. I put my glasses on and exited the bathroom.

I almost had a heart attack when I saw someone on the balcony. Then I really had a heart attack when I saw that it was Louis. He was slouched down against the railing and was absent mindly tapping against his phone's sides. His elbows were hung loosely on his knees.

"Uh...I...I want to go to sleep.", I said as I stood in the door frame.

His head shot up at me. I saw a squished cigarette at his feet. I gulped when I eyed his red puffy eyes.

"You're wearing glasses?", he asked standing up. He was wearing some low-waisted sweats and a grey hoodie. His white converse were almost grey.

I nodded, feeling self-conscious, expecting a rude comment. My hands automatically shot up to my glasses, to take them off.

"They look...nice.", he croaked stepping inside and locking the glass door. I pulled the curtains shut.

" should go.", I said playing with the hem of my sweatshirt.

"I should.", he spoke chewing on his lip. "But I won't."

I looked up at him, watching him as he got closer to me. My heart started racing, thinking that he might slap me or kick me. But he didn't.

I flinched when his hands touched my biceps.

"I'm not going to hurt you, Jackie.", he said in a low, broken voice. He pulled me towards him and lowered his head to capture my lips with his.

My eyes fluttered shut and I continued kissing him, my hands still at my sides. Why was I kissing my bully?

His tongue opened my lips and we started to fully make out. My heart was racing and I was nervous that he might pull away every second and that he would comment on how bad of a kisser I was.

But he didn't.

His hands slided up to my face and cupped it, deepening the kiss. His mouth tasted like cigarettes and alcohol, but I didn't mind. All I could think about was that he was kissing me. And I wasn't doing anything to stop it.

When he finally pulled away, I licked my lips, watching him. His eyes were a bit teary.

"Louis.", I whispered.

"What?", he asked taking a step backwards.

"Why are you crying?"

He shrugged and for a second he plastered a fake smile on his lips. "I don't know."

"Yes, you do.", I said. "Did your mother uhm...get hurt?"

He shook his head and sniffed. "It's non of your fucking business, you fat cow. And if you tell anybody about this, I swear to god, I will make your life hell."

"You already make my life hell Louis.", I said and watched him leave.

Then I went to the bathroom and did why I frequently started doing to my wrists.


I squinted my eyes at Doodle. He was currently snoozing at my feet. I couldn't sleep. I haven't talked to Liam in a whole month, except when we had to rehearse. Every night I slept with his shirt, because if that was the only thing that connected me to him, I was happy to have it.

I've been watching the ceiling for over an hour now, but I couldn't sleep. My phone buzzed and I jumped, scared. My mom hasn't been home in two weeks, I only talked to her on the phone, so I was starting to get paranoid.

It was a text from her.

From: Mom
Received at: 11:00pm

Hey sweetie I won't be able to come home this week but food's in the fridge and emergency call list is on the fridge. You can take care of yourself right? Should I call someone?

To: Mom
Sent at: 11:01pm

Ya mom I'll be alright. As aways 

I set my phone on the night stand. I was afraid, to be honest. And the rain outside was only making it worse. I pulled Riley closer to my chest and curled up into a ball, staring at the wall.

I don't know why, but I reached out for my phone again, and searched for his number in my contacts.

To: Liam
Sent at: 11:05pm

Can you come over

He didn't reply, not even fifteen minutes after. I sighed and was about to go to sleep when I heard steps.

Shit. Not again.

They stopped at my room. I peaked from under the covers.

"I told you to lock your door."

My heart sped up when I saw Liam in the faint light coming from the streetlights outside.


"Someone can come in and...I don't know.", he said settling what seemed like his dufflebag and backpack on the floor, together with his jacket. He was dressed in comfortable sweatpants and a white shirt. His hair was down, not styled in a quiff like most of the time.

"Thank you for coming...uhm...I thought you wouldn've-"

"My parents are fighting again. I can't sleep. It seems like all they can do is yell at each other."

"I'm sorry."

He went around the bed and climbed on it, so he could sit indian style. I bit the inside of my cheek and stood up.

" you want to talk about it?", I asked and placed my hand on his knee. He shook his head.


"Won't they realise you're gone?"


Another blunt answer. I licked my lips.

" you want to stay here?"

"That's why I came."

"Oh. So you came to uh, get away from your parents?"

"I came because I wanted to protect you.", he said looking me in the eye.

"Protect me from what?"

"People that could hurt you.", he said.

"The only person that could hurt me is you Liam.", I snapped.

"Me?", he started raising his voice.

"Yes, you, LIAM!!", I yelled getting out of bed. "You keep fucking with my emotions! You kiss me, then you ignore me!"

"You're in a relationship!", he fought back.

"So why do you keep kissing me?"

"You were kissing me back!"

"Because you kept kissing me!"

"You had a CHOICE, RHYA!", he yelled turning his body to face me. I stood near the door, ready to run out in anger.

"No, I DON'T!"

"Yes, you fucking do! Why didn't you call Dylan? Huh? To ask him to come? You called me! You HAD a choice!"

"You're being a-"

"It's true, Rhya! Why don't you stop me? Every time I kiss you? Huh? Why don't you fucking hit me-"

"Because I love you!"

I closed my mouth the minute the words came out of my mouth. I watched his eyes widen and his lower lip disappearing into his mouth.


"I said it, okay? I love you, Liam.", I whispered getting closer to the bed. "And you're a fucking arsehole for ignoring me for a whole MONTH! And you go around, sticking your tongue down every slag's throat, JUST to make me mad!"

"I don't do that on purp-"

"Yes you bloody do!", I screamed jumping on the bed, ready to kick him in the face. The bed bent down a bit under my weight as I stood, looking down at him.

"You are a dick! But WHY? Why do you do that? Playing with my feelings? Becau-"

"I love you too.", he said looping his arms around my thighs and pulling me down on his lap so I would straddle him. His hands hooked around my bum and he whispered:

"I always loved you, Rhy."

My hands went to his shirt and pulled it over his head.

"Are you sure?", he asked chewing on his bottom lip.

I nodded and kissed his neck. His fingers played with the button of my (his) shirt.

"You're wearing my shirt.", he stated whilst unbuttoning it.

"Shut up.", I hissed as he pushed me down on my back. He pulled my pants down and kissed me.

His hands went to the back of my bra and unhooked it. I bit my lip as he removed the fabric and watched me. He smirked and kissed my neck, before staring to suck on my nipples.

I ran my hand through his hair and pushed his pants down. I gasped when I saw his length.

"Oh god, Liam.", I mumbled looking down.

"I know.", he said pulling on my bottom lip as he took his shaft in his hands. He stroked my entry, feeling how wet I already was.

"You ready?", he whispered. I nodded.

He slowly slid himself into me, and I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling he caused my lower regions. My hands ran along his biceps, which were flexing with each thrust.

My toes curled and I arched my back, trying to get as close to him as I possibly could. He sucked on my neck as his breath hitched. He went faster and I racked my nails down his back.

My core was pulsing wildly as I was reaching my high. He was also close, because he bit down my neck, hard.

"Liam.", I moaned as I climaxed. He twitched inside of me and swiftly pulled out. My quickly pumped his shaft and came on my stomach.

My mind was hazy as he rolled down next to me. I stood up and stumbled over to the bathroom with my (his) shirt and my shorts, to take a quick shower. I heard a flash go off as I entered the bathroom, but I ignored it. I changed and as I exited the bathroom, he was back into his sweats, standing next to my drawer.

"You're leaving?"

"Of course not...I'm looking for your birth control have those, right?"

I nodded and went back to the bathroom to swallow a pill.

When I went back into the bedroom, Liam was laying down on the bed, with his arm under his head. I climbed under the blanket and so did he.

I turned with my back at him and closed my eyes. I smiled when I felt his spoon me and kiss my neck.

"Liam?", I asked turning to him. I rested my head on his bare chest.


"How...big...are you exactly?"

"Well I didn't measure it."


"Ten inches."

"Oh god."

I heard him smirk.

"Goodnight.", I whispered kissing his chest.

"I love you.", he said.

"I love you too."


The next day when rehearsals were done, I announced Jackie and Dylan that I'll meet them at lunch, because I had to go to the bathroom. Which, was half true.

To: Liam
Sent at: 1:00pm

We need to talk. Upstairs bathroom now

I sighed relieved when I saw him enter the bathroom.

"You wanted to talk?", he asked putting his hands into his pockets.

"Yeah...uh...about last night."

"What about it?"

"We...what are we, Liam?"

"Well...I don't...I don't want anyone to find out, Rhya."

I raised a brow.


"You're with Dylan, I'm getting into something with Leslie-"

"She just broke up with her boyfriend."

He shrugged.

"I don't want to be the other woman, Liam."

"I don't want that either, but I want to be with you.", his voice softened as he placed his arms on my hips, pulling me closer.

"No, Liam. We can't...we can't cheat. I can't."

"Why not? Come on...I love you. And...I don't think I'm ready for everyone to know about it yet."

I sighed. "Fine. But if someone finds out-"

"No one will."


"Promise. Hey."


"Can I come over tonight? I don't...I don't want to be home right now."

I nodded. "Of course."

He pecked me on the lips before exiting. I waited two more minutes, trying to ignore the butterflies in my stomach.


When Rhya came back, JJ was in a deep conversation with Kelsey. I rolled my eyes.

"Just ask her to the prom already, J.", I snapped seeing as he purposely avoided the topic. He shot me a death glare.

"I was going to but-"

"Yes! Yes I'll go to the prom with you!", she cooed.

He smiled relieved and kissed her.

"How are weeee doing?", Josh asked sitting down next to me. He shook hands with Dylan, who just asked Rhya out, before turning to me.

"So! Jackie! Hi."

I smiled. "Hi?"

I felt watched so I lifted my gaze. I met a pair of green eyes, watching me carefully.


Everyone at the table was looking at me.

"What do you say?", Josh asked nervously.

"Uh...yes?", I tried.

"Great! I can't wait to dance with you!"

He pecked my cheek. I was confused did he just ask me to prom? I guess I did, since Rhya wouldn't shut up about it until school was over. I rolled my eyes at her excitement.

"And we can go on double dates...and wear matching wedding dr-"

"We're not even dating.", I interrupted her as she dropped me off in front of Harry's house.

"You will. I bet you ten pounds."

"You're on."

We shook hands and after I thanked her for the ride, I got out of the car. I walked up to the door, ringing the bell, when my phone vibrated. I took it out.

From: Josh
Received at: 4:10pm

Fancy going out for a bite later? ;)

To: Josh
Sent at: 4:11pm

It's a date :)

I smiled, but then stopped when someone coughed in front of me. Harry was standing in the doorway.

"I have no problem whatsoever with you staying outside.", he mumbled.

I went past him in the house. He snorted.

"Who are you texting? Your dad?"

"Uh. No."

He snatched the phone out of my hand and looked at the screen. His brows knitted together, before he gave me the phone, his tongue poking the inside of his cheek.

"I'm going to a party tonight with Kenzie...uh...are you going to be okay?"

"Uh, yeah. I'm going on a date with Josh...I'll be back around ten."

"Well I won't be home but Louis will. Just go by my shed and knock on the door. He'll open the house. My mom and dad are out so...okay.", he mumbled and turned around to leave.

I sighed. There was no way I was not seeing Louis tonight.


"I had a great time tonight.", Josh said.

‘’I had fun too.’’, I said biting my lip. He smiled and leant in. For a moment I thought he’ll kiss me, but he pecked my cheek.

I pouted and he chuckled.

‘’I wanna take things slow, Jackie.’’, he spoke pinning his forehead against mine. My heart fluttered.

‘’Okay.’’, I smiled.

‘’Call you tomorrow?’’, he asked going backwards towards the street.

I nodded. He winked and turned around, getting into the cab. My eyes flickered to the shed. I sighed. I walked towards the entrance and knocked on the door, taking a deep breath. I pulled on the hem of my shorts as I heard shuffling from inside.

A tired looking Louis appeared in the door. His face frowned, scanning my outfit.

"What are you wearing?"


I bit my lip. "Uh, nothing."

He leaned against the door.

"Where were you?"

I took a step back, slightly loosing my balance on my heels.

"Can you please just open the front door so I can go inside?"

He shook his head, coming entirely out of the shed and closing the door behind him. 

"I'm not opening anything until you answer me."

"I was on a date."

He snorted. "With who?"



I nodded.

"What a you."

"We're not...together."

"Well, he's smart after all."

My heart dropped and I drifted my eyes to the ground under our feet, focusing on his usual white converse.

Suddenly, a thunder was heard.

"Jackie?", his voice sounded vulnerable all of a sudden.

"Yeah?", I asked looking up at him. 

He didn't answer, he just grabbed my hips and pushed me against the door. My breathing hitched as his lips attached to mine.

He was smelling like he usually did: like smoke. And some of his good smelling cologne.

Why was he doing this? Why was he so bipolar? He's rude, then the next second he's all passionate and vulnerable.

But no matter how much I despised him, I always gave in to him. Always.

His arm ran down from my waist until the back of my knee and hitched it up and around his hip.

I felt tingly all over my skin as he rubbed my thigh. He was so experienced, while I had no idea what to do. So I placed my hands on his hips, pulling him closer.

I was getting good at this...or at least so I thought.

He jumped back when it started pouring. I was getting really annoyed with the weather.

"Shit, let's go inside."

My heart started beating faster. What did he want to do inside? I followed him as fast as I could through the back door. He left his converse in the hallway and went to the living room, sitting down on the couch.

I gulped and took off my shoes, before going upstairs to change. My phone buzzed when I was on my way back from the bathroom. I stopped and opened a message from Josh.

From: Josh
Received at: 10:00

Thinking about you ;)

I chewed on my bottom lip, too deep in the thought of what to send him than to realise that Louis was reading the text over my shoulder. 

His hands placed themselves on my waist from behind and I jumped, turning around.

"God, you scared me."

He didn't seem amused. He passed me and went in my room. I followed whilst replying to Josh's text.

To: Josh
Sent at: 10:02pm

How cute :) good night x

From: Josh
Received at: 10:02pm

Nighty night xxxxxxx

I looked up to see Louis sitting on a beanbag, looking at a wall. He was biting down at his nails.

I was uncomfortable, I didn't know what to do, or say.

"Come here.", he said in a barely audible voice. I was unsure if I should do as he said. I placed my phone on the desk and turned around.

He was looking at me. So I went to him, feeling self-conscious as he stared at my legs. I pulled my t-shirt as far down as I could, attempting to cover my thighs.

When I reached him, his arm wrapped around the back of my right knee and pulled me so that he was between my legs. He tried to pull my hips down to him, but I didn't want to. It was getting too experienced for me, I was scared. I did not want him to laugh at me.

"Come on.", he whispered softly pulling me down so I was straddling him. "Don't be shy."

His eyes stared into mine. That's when I saw the vulnerability and scare he kept inside. His blue eyes looked back at me, and they were so fragile, I was surprised. His fingers tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, before his hands slided down and rested on my hips.

He pulled me more into him and kissed me. My eyes fluttered close. My arms looped around his neck and he deeped the kiss by sticking his tongue in my mouth and bending his head to the right.

His hands slipped a bit under my shirt, sending electric shocks through my whole body. He pulled away for air.

"Louis?", I asked linking my fingers behind his neck.



His hands cupped my bum and I dropped my gaze, hoping that he wasn't thinking how fat my arse was.

"Why what?"

"Why are you like this?"

He raised a brow.

"You're so rude to me at private you kiss me and you're...nice."

"Get off me."

I stood up and turned around to leave, but he pulled me by my waist between his legs. I was surprised by his actions, like always. His hands slipped under my shirt once again, and started rubbing circles on my skin.

I leant the back of my head on his shoulder.

"I have no idea.", he said into my hair. "But..."

He paused.

I turned my head to him. "But?"

"But if I hurt you...I'm sorry."

"You really hurt me Louis...I have bruises all over myself."

"They're fading."

"That doesn't mean they don't hurt."

"I'm sorry.", he said kissing my temple and I closed my eyes. It felt good being in his arms, in the warmth radiating from his body.

"Then why do you do that?"

"Because I need to get my anger out on something...and...I don't know, you're always there."

"Please stop.", I whispered opening my eyes to meet his blue orbs as his hands wandered over my shirt, cupping my breasts.

I flinched. No one's ever touched me before.


"I can't be your punching bag, Louis...why can't you just ignore me?"

"I can't ignore you. You're everywhere."

"No, I'm not."

He pushed me off of him and stood up. "Yes you are." He got close to me again and pulled me to him with a finger that was looped in the hem of my pants.

"Yes you are. And I hate it."

"Then why are you always kissing me?"

"Because you're the only thing that keeps me sane. You're my rock, Jackie."

My heart did a backflip.

"What do you mean?"

He shrugged before pressing a kiss to my cheek. 

"Goodnight.", he whispered against my skin. Then he was gone.


Saturday, 11:00pm

I was in my bed this time. Dad and Helen were home, so we moved back. I hadn't seen Harry since Friday, and I was thankful for that.

I closed my eyes, trying to sleep.

When a knock on my balcony door was heard, I knew who it was. I got up and went to the curtains, opening them.

Louis stood there. His hair was wet and he held his hoodie in his hands. I opened the door, letting him in.

"Is there something wrong?", I asked going to the door and locking it.

He shook his hair and took of his shoes. He sat down on the edge of my bed.

"My dad is home."


He rubbed his right eye and took a deep breath. He was crying. My eyes softened and I went to sit next to him. 

"What about your sisters?"

"They're with my grandma."

"And why aren't you there?"

"There's not enough place for me.", he croaked.

I placed a hand unsurely on his shoulder, hoping that he wouldn't shrug it off. 

He didn't.

" you want something? Like, tea...water?"


He took off his jacket so he could be in his white shirt. I hung the jacket on the hanger on my door, before leaning against the desk.

"So where are you going when they go to your grandma's?"

He didn't respond. He kept staring at the floor. Eventually, he answered:

"Can...I stay here? I'm at Harry's too often...won't...I'll sleep on the couch."

"Okay.", I said looking at the couch in the corner, that was usually for the clothes. I went to the closet and took a blanket out of it. He layed down on the couch and I tucked him in. He turned to the wall.

I sighed and climbed into my bed, closing my eyes.

"I just hope he'll get better.", he said, his voice shaking.

That was the last thing I remembered.


The next morning when I woke up, Louis was still snoring. Only after I went to the bathroom and washed myself, he was up chewing gum and looking over the posters that I taped on the walls, in nothing but low hanging sweats.

"Justin Bieber? Wow, gay.", he commented before turning around to face me. 

"When are you leaving?", I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

He looked at the window and I followed his gaze. The sky was dark and there was a storm coming up.

"Are you that desperate to get rid of me?", he asked.

"No, it's still scare me, Louis. And the fact that tomorrow at school it'll start again makes me nervous."

There was a knock on the door. I turned around.

"Jack? It's daaad! Helen and I are going to a museum today...we're dropping Lindsay and Josh off at her friend' you want to come?"

"Uh.", I gulped watching Louis. He shook his head slowly.

"No dad. I think I'll stay home."

"Okay the pizza delivery number is on the fridge, because we won't be home until five. And don't go outside, a storm's coming up okay?"

"Yeah dad...bye."

I heard his footsteps down the stairs and turned around. Louis was now dressed in a new grey shirt and a grey hoodie. His hair was swung to the side as he looked at me questioningly.


I heard for doors slam shut, then the car driving away.

"Let's uh...get breakfast."

He followed me downstairs and sat down on a chair as I opened the fridge. 

"What do you want?", I asked. "Cereal? Waffles? Pan-"


I nodded. "How many?"


I made him the waffles and placed the plate in front of him. I made myself some tea and sat down across from him. He ate his waffles, then pushed the plate away. He looked down at the cup I was holding.

"Aren't you eating anything?", he asked. I got up and shook my head, before going to the sink with his plate, to wash it. I put it to dry.

"And why aren't you eating?", he asked.

I jumped at the feeling of his breath on my neck. I turned around and my head bumped into his chest.

"Because...uh...I'm not hungry."

As if on cue, my stomach growled. He didn't seem to notice.

"I don't believe you.", he spoke, his hands sliding down to my hips. He gripped into them and lifted my up, placing my on the table.

I looked up at him as he hovered above me. His hands travelled from my hips to my thighs and he rubbed them up and down my thighs, before sliding down to my knees and pulling me towards him, so he stood between my legs. His palms took their previous position on my thighs.

My heart started beating faster as his thumbs drawed circles on the sides my thighs.

"Kiss me.", he whispered. I put my arms around his neck and pulled him towards me.

His lips brushed mine for a second, before he started kissing me. His hands rested on either side of me so he could have a better angle.

My mind was going frenzy as he cupped my face in his hands. He was so good at this. He deepened the kiss as our tongues brushed together, and it all seemed surreal.

I don't know how long we've been making out, all I know it was that it was almost 11pm when I yawned. Louis came back from the bathroom and sat down on the bed.

"Jackie?", he asked turning to face me. I was already in bed, scrolling through Facebook on my phone. 


"Can I stay here tonight?"

"Wasn't that what you were already doing?"

"No, I the bed.", he whispered.

My heart stopped.

"In the...bed?"

He nodded. "I'll be good, I promise. I just...I just need someone."

I chewed on my bottom lip and nodded. He took his hoodie off and dived in next to me, on the right side of the bed. He shuffled closer until he lied next to me in the dark.

There was an odd silence, until I felt his arm loop around my waist and pull me closer. His hand then started creeping up my thigh again, and rested on my back, before wandering to my stomach and slipping under my shirt.

I shivered, my face turning red from the intimacy.

"Can I ask you something?", he whispered.

I nodded his hands went around my back under my shirt. "Have you ever...been touched, Jackie?"

His voice sent shivers down my spine. I shook my head. "No...why?"

His right leg slipped between mine.

"Do you...want to be touched?"

My head was spinning. Never in my life have I thought this would be happening. With Louis.

"I...don't know...", I whispered.

"I know you're scared...", he trailed off, stroking my back.

"But it's okay..."

I took a deep breath, waiting for his next words.

"I'm here."


Please comment :) And thanks for reading :D



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