Chapter 17 (Larry)

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Wow thank you so much for the commetns on the last chapter :) I'm really happy about this one so please leave comments :D



"Let me make love to you."

I bit my lip as soon as I said those words. I couldn't believe I just said that. What was I thinking?

Of course she would never accept it, because no matter how bad Louis was to her, she'd always love him.

My heart started beating faster when her eyes widened and she looked down at my lips. She mumbled a barely audible 'okay' and my heart jumped out of my chest.

I lean down again and kissed her, my eyes fluttering close as my lips come in contact with hers. My hands travelled down to the hem of Mackenzie's pink sweatshirt and I gripped into it, before I slowly pulled it up and off her. I revealed her perfect chest covered with a black bra and the airplane necklace hung perfectly around her neck.

"You're so beautiful.", I whispered as my hands wandered up her back, feeling her skin under my fingertips. I could tell she was nervous because her chest rose up and down quickly.

Her hands curled around my waist and I slowly took a step forwards, towards the bed. I stopped though, not wanting to rush things and scare her.

I started placing kisses on her neck and earlobe. My actions made her moan and I could instantly feel myself grow hard at the sound.

I tugged at her earlobe slowly as I caught the bra clasp between my fingers. She didn't do anything, she just pulled her head back and rested her forehead against mine. The bra was set free and I tugged it off her, before I looked down at her amazing breasts.

I licked my lips and she blushed. I kissed her cheek and cupped her boobs in my hands, automatically hardening in my pants at the touch. My lips went to her neck and I bit down on her fragile skin, before licking the mark.

I flicked my thumbs over her hard nipples and she moaned once again, before she blushed. I tilted her chin to look up at me and placed one single kiss on her lips. Then I softly pushed her down the bed, pushing her upwards on the bed so she could rest her head on the cushions.

I placed a kiss on her nose, before I travelled south, trailing my lips and tongue all over her exposed skin. My sweatpants restricted my member painfully, but I wanted to make her feel good, her first time had to be special.

I reached her shorts and placed a kiss under her belly button, before I slowly pulled them down, to reveal her perfect legs. Her hands came down to me and wanted to cover herself up but I intertwined our fingers and stopped her from covering herself up.

"No.", I said and placed kisses along her thighs, before I pulled my fingers out of hers and curled them around the fabric of her panties.

I gulped and looked up at her to see if she was okay with it, and she nodded, gulping. Her fingers were slightly shaking as I pulled the knickers down.

I immediately got harder when I exposed her soft skin between her legs. I licked my lips and traced her slit with my index finger, before I pushed it in her.

She moaned silently as I licked over her clit, and I knew I couldn't last any longer, so I gave up on pleasuring her. I came back up to her flawless face and kissed her, ignoring the butterflies in my stomach.

She fumbled with my belt and I held my breath once she set it free and pulled my pants down. I hissed because my rock-hard cock got some release. She blushed when she looked down and I licked my lips.

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