Chapter 12 (Jarry)

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"Too late."

I looked at him, his blue eyes piercing into mine.


"I think I'm falling in love with you.", he whispered in my ear. "And I'm scared."

His face came in sight again, before he leaned his forehead against mine.

"Why?", I whispered, my heart pounding louder by the minute. Maybe he was just bluffing and messing with my head.

"Because you're beautiful, and funny, and you have a stunning smile, that's rare. And you have cute dimples, whenever you're blushing."

I looked down and smiled.

"Thank you."

He lifted my chin and pressed a small kiss to the corner of my mouth, before whispering:

"Do you trust me?"

I nodded, looking into his eyes.

"Good.", he replied before stepping back.

We took turns and went to the bathroom, getting ready for bed. I was about to climb in my bed, when I heard him whisper:

"Come here."

I turned around and he shifted in the bed, making room for me to lay down on. I shuffled in next to him and he pulled the blanket over us, spooning me.

His breath was hot on my neck, and I was about to close my eyes when I felt his hand creep up leg. I tried to push it away, because he was making me blush, but he intertwined our fingers and whispered into the back of my head:

"Can I touch you?"

I stiffened at his words. My heart was beating out of my chest, knowing that he expected an answer.

"Yes.", I whispered.

His hand slowly ran to my front, rubbing my stomach over my tank top. I sucked my stomach in, afraid that he'll think I'm too fat. 
He then lifted my top, revealing my skin. Louis softly pushed me on my back and came to straddle me.

I blushed, feeling exposed as his eyes ran across my stomach, then his hands fiddled with the hem of my shirt.

"Up.", he said and I obliged, sitting up and letting him take my shirt off. I felt my heart speed up as he scanned my chest.

"You're so hot.", he said into my ear, caressing my back and kissing my neck. I closed my eyes, my heart doing a backflip at his words.

He gently pushed me back down, before bending my legs and kneeling between them. He bent down and kissed my stomach.

My muscles clenched, my breathing hitching as his hands travelled to my thighs, hooking around them. He reached the hem of my pants and I looked down to catch his gaze.

"Just tell me when to stop.", he whispered, his eyes sparkling in the dim light coming from the moon.

I nodded and watched him as he pulled my pants down, revealing my knickers. I licked my lips and felt my stomach muscles clench as he hooked his fingers in my knickers.

His eyes caught mine again, searching for some kind of sign that I wasn't okay with it. But I didn't do anything, I just waited for him to continue.

He kissed the soft skin over my waistband, before pulling it down. His eyes scanned the soft, newly shaved, exposed skin and I blushed, feeling self conscious for the hundredth time this evening.

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