Chapter 16 (Jackie)

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In which Harry takes it a bit too far.


"I love you, Jackie."

My lips parted in surprise. Did he just…?

I was speechless. No one ever said those words to me before, literally no one. Not even my parents.

He brushed his thumb across my lips and smiled. “You don’t have to say it back, I just wanted you to know that, that’s all. I really love you, but I don’t need you to say it back right now.”

My heart was fluttering and I kissed his hand before he turned me around and pulled me into his chest.

He brought his lips down to my ear and pressed a small kiss there, without saying anything.

I closed my eyes but didn’t fall asleep. Louis was so hard to understand. One moment he slaps me at school, then the next second he stands up for me. Then he takes me to London, then he says that we’re through…then he says he loves me.

And I keep forgiving him every time.

His chest was softly rising and falling against my back, his breath warm and peacful against my neck. I caught his hand that was slung over my hips and i tertwined our fingers.

I felt his fingers gently squeeze mine.

No matter how he acted, I knew I was too weak to stay away from him, and I hated that.

It was Saturday, and I was happy that school wasn’t starting for another two days.

I was sitting in my room on Facebook, going through my News Feed. It was almost 12pm, and I was waiting for Louis, since he offered to teach me skateboarding.

To be honest I wasn’t such a fan of skateboarding, but if that meant spending time with him, then why the hell not?

I dressed up according to the weather…well not really. I was wearing shorts and a tank top. I was not going to wear a jacket and then I’d have the excuse that I was cold when I was bored of skateboarding.

And then Louis would take me home to his place and we would be in the warmth of his room.


Louis sent me a text, saying that he was already outside, and that he was ready to go. I rushed down the stairs, and made sure that no one could hear me when I left. I was about to greet Louis when I stopped in my tracks. He was next to the garage, talking to my father.


He had a skateboard under his right arm and was wearing some jeans, Vans and a jean jacket.

My father saw me and waved me over. I caught Louis’ pleading eyes. He was trying to keep his calm as I slowly walked towards them. My dad was looking at the car, fixing something.

"Uh…?", I asked trying to seem oblivious.

"Louis here just told me he came over to pick you up."

I looked at Louis with widened eyes.

"So where are you taking my daughter?", dad continued as he looked at his car.

"Uh…I’m taking her…uh…to ice cream."

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