Life or Death?

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Let's look at both.

Death has such a bad stigma. Really, how does Death make you feel? Nervous? Scared? Relieved?

It's inevitable, unavoidable.

The concept of death is always in the back of ones mind. Without it, there would be no worries, you wouldn't need to be cautious because there would be no dangerous consequences.

Yet without death, there would be no life. You wouldn't really live, you'd take it all for granted. There's no sickness or pain, so no need to cherish the life you have oh so graciously been given.

Everything you had, let it be friends or family, wouldn't be as important as they are when you have the knowledge that in just the span of a second they could be gone.

Disappeared, never to be seen again until the day you would perish also. The emotion of grief over loss wouldn't exist, but then neither would adoration, or true love.

I mean, is there really even a difference?

It's strange how that works. You can't possibly die without being alive, yet you can't even fully live without dying. The proclaimed 'good' and the terrifying 'evil', They work together in a secret, twisted partner ship.

So, let me ask again.

Life or death?

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