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Some people enjoy Silence.

They wish and wait for the moment silence steps so gracefully into the room.

They say he's relaxing. That his mere presence soothes them. That the sound of their heartbeat and breath, the only noise Silence partners with, is peaceful.

The only time silence soothes me is when my brain pulses with a sickening pain. Nothing but you and darkness can cure my migraines.

I think Silence is nice but distant.

Distant enough that my Anxiety pokes his head up, knowing that Silence is only a bystander.

He just watches, respectful yet harmful.

Because I can't fend off Anxiety myself.

So I plug in my headphones in a small act of rebellion. It's nothing against you, Silence, as I've said, you're nice.

You just watch in an unsettling way, you never help when I cry.

I block you out when I walk alone, clean, read, I can't even fall sleep without music there to hold my hand.

You make me nervous solely because you seem to not care.

And I've already got enough of that.

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