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I love sleep.

Her soft embrace is welcoming, because in her, my worries are no more.

It's too bad my worries hate sleep.

Oh, the battle is gruesome. My mind shouts and swirls and rummages though all my hidden thoughts just to fight off sleeps peaceful arms.


Do I not deserve the deep tranquility that my dreams give me? I'm lucky enough to have rid myself of nightmares, or at least I can't remember them anymore.

But it's nights like tonight when I beg for sleep to cuddle my mind to silence.

I should've been whisked away into my dreams long ago, but I'm here writing this.

All my fears seem to awaken just as I try and sleep. How determined my mind is, for it sets itself against me.

Why am I worried about something I did last week? My anxiety thrives on nights like these.

He picks and prods and displays all of my flaws on the huge screen behind my eyes for all to see.

Maybe it's not my mind who's the master, maybe anxiety finally won the war and now I can't tell the difference.

I'm too tired to sleep.

I'm so tired.

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