Blue Eyes

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They say the eyes are a window to ones soul.

Eyes are truly amazing.
They're dense with the whole spectrum of gorgeous colors,
painted in elegant swirls.

They can tell you things that words simply don't have the power to.

They captivate me,
Your blue eyes.

Did you know blue was my favorite color, dear blue eyed boy?

Specifically the pale blue that sparks with streaks of stunning silver when you laugh.

Or maybe it's the darker, almost stormy blue that clouds your beautiful orbs with anger.

Maybe it's just you.

But you don't like my dark, molasses eyes, do you?

No, you search for the vibrant hazel that shimmers with graceful green and contains everything that I don't have.

I see through your beautiful blue windows, I see how you feel about her earthly eyes.

I get it, really I do.

Deep dark and bright blue don't mix well, I guess.

Maybe if you looked at my eyes you'd see my soul.

But you never do.

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