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Her soft fingers glide over my mind gently.

She shuffles through my memories, pulling up pleasant times to display.

I could stay with her forever, my sweet friend.

She reminds me of laughter and love.

She shows me what I once had.
What I've lost.

She doesn't mean harm, I know that.
But sometimes she hurts.

She makes me remember things that set an ache in my soul, things that I miss so deeply.

I miss you.

Apparently Nostalgia does too, she keeps tugging you out of that locked safe.

I thought she couldn't get in, I thought you were hidden away.
Guess not.

She cries with me as we watch memories play behind my eyes.
Soft smiles and slow tears.

I can still hear you,
I can still feel you.

I need you.

You're addictive, you've hooked Nostalgia with your beautiful charm.

Her fingers are now entangled with you, and as she brushes my mind, I get flashes of you.
Of us.

Sadness and happiness are getting mixed. You made me happy, and that stain of happiness that is no longer, makes me sad.

That's just what you are.

You've stained me.

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