Bad days

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Sometimes, I have bad days.

That doesn't always mean that
something made me upset,
but that I already was.

You see, sometimes I wake up
and the day is already ruined.
Just because my brain decided
to hate me that day.

I laugh and see friends, yet sometimes
they catch a glimpse of my real face
and they ask if I'm alright, and
I always say I am.

Because how to you explain that
You're sad and you don't know
Why or that you're lonely
When you're surrounded by friends?

How do I tell them that I don't want
to do anything anymore, even
if my life has gotten bearable for once
and things are somewhat better?

They'll think I'm ungrateful.
That I look for reasons to be upset,
To complain.

I hate it
I honestly don't know why I
Just want to cry.

I want to cry

It never ends,
Even when the end seems to be happy

I never am

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2019 ⏰

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