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Sometimes, I feel like I'm a fire.

Like my blood is bubbling underneath my skin, like I'm choking on smoke. Like I'm burning out.

Like I'm a bright disaster, one that people stare at but are too scared to come close.

A fire that people use when they need me, and then forget when they don't.
One that can't control it's flames.

I reach and curl around everything in my path, burning and scarring the world.
Leaving chaos.

I burn, burn, burn,
untill there are embers and heat scorching the air.

Until I eat up everything I love and smother myself.

That's all that will be left of me.
I'll be carried away in swirls of smoke, and nobody would even realize I'm gone.

They'll just miss the heat and light I once had, not my face, not my name.

No they'll remember what they want too.

And no one will want to remember me.

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