high hopes

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There is nothing worse than getting your hopes up about someone when you know you shouldn't,
Only to be proven right.

I don't get it.
How could I let my self believe you?

You've shown to me how you really are. Countless times you've broken
my trust, my heart.

I know how cruel you can be.
But I still love you.
You still twist the blade in my back.
But still I forgive you.

And you can't do this one thing?

Because all I wanted was to be wrong about you. For once, I wanted the sinking feeling o get in my stomach when I talk to you to be wrong.

All I wanted was you to want me more than your addiction.
I wanted to be important.

To be heard. Seen. Loved.

My whole life, you've looked over me and to your beer. My whole life I walked on eggshells to appease you.

Then it was too much.
Cops, tears, shouts, hurt.

Six months. You were locked away for 6 months promising to quit.

Promising that I was your child, that you loved me.

Six months of lowering my walls, letter by letter.

Six months thrown away in two days.
It took two days for you to give up on the lie you'd been feeding me.

Two days to prove I was right.

I made a promise in those six months as well.

I told you, it's me or the alcohol.

So, goodbye dad.

Hope your beer loves you
as much as you love it.

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