I wonder

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Sometimes I wonder.

I wonder why things are the way they are, why people act the way they do.

I wonder about the future, about the past, and about people I see.

I wonder what people's insecurities are, and if they can tell what mine are.

I wonder what it would be like to be the popular girl in class, or the quite boy who sits alone in the cafeteria.

What it would be like if my dad wasn't the way he was.

Or my brother, who has so many problems, I wonder how he handles it. Until I realized he doesn't.

I wonder if the roles were reversed, could I handle it?

I wonder what it's like to meet me. What do people see?

Because I'm tried of what I see.

I wonder what it's like to have someone to share your soul with; someone who romance novels base their plot from.

I wonder what it's like to know you're dying.

Or to know that you've lived to your full potential.

I wonder who reads this.
Do you understand what I'm saying?

I wonder what it's like to be stress-free, to love what you do.

I wonder what it's like to not have to wonder.

To know.

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