The Son of Hephaestus

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I looked around in disbelief. I had been claimed.

Child of Apollo, I thought to myself. He's the god of healing...and music? I think I heard something about haikus or prophecies once—but that could be wrong.

"Welcome to cabin number 7!" A tall, blonde boy with freckles shouted.

Cheers rang out, and I noticed Annabeth smiling at me and giving me the thumbs up.

"Congratulations, Y/n," said Chiron. I hadn't told him my name, so I wondered how he knew it.

"You can get settled in after the bonfire," said the boy with freckles again.

"Okay," I replied. Surely it wouldn't take me long to grab my stuff and set it down, then go meet Leo.

I talked back and forth with some other campers, just trying to mingle. I'd never been an extrovert, but I needed friends here.

*After Bonfire*

"This is where you'll be sleeping. My names Will Solace, by the way. I'm normally in the infirmary since we're born healers. If you need anything, come to me. You should get some sleep soon, since tomorrow will probably start your tour and training," the freckled boy told me.

"Thanks. A camper wanted to talk to me after the bonfire, is it okay if I go meet them? It shouldn't take long," I questioned.

"Sure. Just no more than 20 minutes, by then I like to have everyone in the cabin. It makes for a much easier lights out and organization."

"Of course. Thanks, once again. My first day hasn't been so bad." I smiled and walked out of cabin 7, and headed towards the bonfire.

"Leo?" I called out.

"Over here!" I heard a familiar voice say.

I found him sitting on a bench near the pit.

"Hey. You said you wanted to talk after the bonfire?" I asked.

"Yea. You're new to camp, and I figured I'd try to make a new friend. There's something about you, I feel like we could connect. You seem pretty cool."

No one had ever really complimented me like this before. Sure, guys had hit on me before. But this felt more genuine, like Leo really did want a close friend.

"That's sweet of you. You're from the Hephaestus cabin, right?"

"Yep, that's my dad. I saw you were claimed today, by Apollo. He's a pretty cool dude."

"What, have you met him?" I asked, astonished.

"Yea. He's not so bad a guy," Leo laughed.

"It would make sense that my dad's Apollo. I've always loved music and singing. In fact, I play the piano. I also write poetry, though I don't really fit in with the healing category. Maybe I just haven't gotten into it yet."

"You play the piano? That's so cool. And you said you sing?"

"Yea, I was in my school choir, and all the plays. Well, before things got bad. Monsters, and stuff," I said, looking down.

"Well, could I hear something?"

"Like right now? But there are people around."

"I thought you sang in the choir."

"Valid point, Mr. Valdez."

"So can you? I'd really like to hear you sing something."

"Fine. How about A Whole New World from Aladdin?"

"Good choice. Let me hear it."

I can show you the world
Shining, shimmering splendid
Tell me, princess, now when did
You last let your heart decide...

By the time I had finished, a crowd had gathered around me. They stood clapping, asking my name. Most of them remembered me from tonight's claiming, but to some I was a new face.

After the crowd had vanished, I found Leo again.

"That was quite something, y/n. I hope it's not the last time I hear you sing? This bad boy right here loves some good Disney songs."

"Not for a while. It takes a lot of courage, to sing like that in front of so many people."

"No reason to be nervous. It's quite soothing to the ears."

"Goodnight, Leo. Will needs me back soon."

"Goodnight, y/n. I hope to talk again tomorrow!"

I waved and turned back towards my cabin. He was so cute, and so flirty! How was he not taken? I don't know where the courage to sing like that came from, but I liked it.

I opened the door to my cabin, and went inside. Only a few minutes passed until it was already lights out. I laid down in my comfortable bed and went to sleep, ready for everything I was to learn tomorrow.

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