Important Conversation

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"Hey," I croaked. I was glad Leo was up on his feet and not hurt badly.

"Glad you're awake, too. I know I haven't been around lately, but...I figured you might want to deal with everything on your own first," said Apollo.

"I'm not mad at you, Dad, if that's what you think. I'm really not mad at you. It's just that these past few months have been awful, and now Mom's dead..." I took a deep breath. "It's just difficult. And I feel like you just don't want to deal with me."

"That's not true, y/n. Not at all." My dad sounded like he was on the verge of crying. I felt embarrassed that I was making him do that.

"'s—it's okay."

Chiron appeared from behind the two, with Will and Nico in tow.

"Y/n. You're alright," said Chiron, audibly expressing his relief.

"Thanks to Will and my dad," I smiled.

Leo silently reached for my hand, which I gladly let him take.

Will came closer. "Y/n, you're losing color. I think you need some more rest."

"Dad, Leo, Chiron, we need to let her rest. She'll be better later," finished Will.

Leo looked at me, and I gave him a reassuring look. He let go of my hand and reluctantly left me alone.

I closed my eyes, but didn't fall asleep right away. I heard my dad and Leo conversing off to the side.

"You've been treating my daughter well, I've noticed. And though you're not as cool, though you did invent the Valdezinator, as, say, an Aphrodite child, you make my daughter happy, and that's what matters."

"Y-yes sir. I respect your daughter and I always try to protect her, through normally she doesn't need my protection," said Leo, his voice an octave higher than usual.

My dad laughed. "Yes, she is like that. She is a true warrior; she just can't give up a fight."

"She really is. She's been through so much...all while dealing with trauma from home..." Leo paused before continuing, "At least I know sort of how she feels, you know? I lost my mom when I was young, and I know how she feels. I just hate seeing her upset."

"I know, Leo. But demigod lives are cruel. You've seen from experience what some gods will force demigods to do, no matter the collateral damage. I realized what I was doing and I've since then stopped."

"I know. You've changed quite a bit since the second giant war."

"Thank you, Leo. I saw your handiwork of y/n's bow, too. You and your father are very talented. In fact, her new ring is much better than mine. It's also a very lovely ring."

"I thought she'd like it. She needed a new one anyways."

"So you are you serious with her?"

Leo got a bit nervous and messed up his words. "Well I'd—uh—like t-to be, sir."

My dad laughed. "Good. I think you two are a good match."

"Thank you."

"Well, I give you my blessing for whatever you two decide to do in the future. As long as you respect her, love her properly, and take care of her, of course. And if you don't, I'll blast you into oblivion."

"I will, I promise. Thank you. I'm very lucky to be with her."

I opened my eyes a little bit and saw my dad pat Leo's shoulder. They cast a glance towards me, so I pretended to be asleep. When I opened my eyes again, they were walking off. Will, Nico and Chiron were having a discussion a little farther away.

I still felt exhausted, so I tried to sleep.

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