Three Demigods On A Train...And Something Worse

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We talked to only a couple of people, just trying to get information. I felt a little uneasy, but Leo looked as if he might throw up.

"Leo?" I asked when we were about to board the train.

"Yea?" He asked, his voice sounding normal but his mouth still turned in a worrisome manner.

"You okay? You just look a little nauseous."

"Oh yea. I just—I haven't been in the mortal world in a while. And these people—well, I don't know who I can trust. I have to keep you guys safe."

"You have enough to worry about yourself. We can manage," I said, glancing at Nyssa who was still conversing with an older lady.

"Oh my gods."

"What?" I asked. Leo was staring straight at Nyssa.

"Leo—What is it!?" I asked again, worry and dread filling my voice.

"That lady...I think she's a Fury."

"Calling for me dear!?" The old lady roared in our direction.

"GUYS! RUN!" Yelled Leo.

We all sprinted away, the "Fury" chasing us. I grabbed an arrow—a flaming one, I had learned—and nocked it.

I turned, aimed, and shot right into the face of the Fury.

"Whoa, y/n. That was amazing!" Leo said, hugging me, then quickly letting go.

I could feel my face burning.

"Seriously y/n, that was some nice skill. And you only learned just today!" Said Nyssa, patting my shoulder.

Leo's face seemed to be recovering from embarrassment too, but I was so glad that he hugged me.

We were only about a block away from the boarding train, so we decided to go back.

Everyone was staring at us, and I hated the attention. It made me uncomfortable.

We boarded the train and sat together, Leo and Nyssa on one side and me facing them on the other.

"Alright. Chiron said that we were going to meet a wind spirit who would help us on this quest," said Nyssa.

"Yea. But if the wind spirit doesn't help us enough, how will we know where to go next?" Leo asked.

"We can't contact Chiron if we need help," I said.

"No, we could. Will packed us each at least 10 drachmas," said Leo.

"Drachmas? As in Ancient Greek currency?" I asked.

"Yea. What you do is you flip one into a body of water, with sunlight shining on it, and plead: O Iris, goddess of the rainbow, accept my offering."

"And then after that, you say the name of the person you want to see," finished Nyssa.

"Thats so cool," I said.

I moved my hand closer to the sunlight, and I thought it was just my eyes, but Nyssa noticed it too.

"Whoa, y/n. You're glowing," said Nyssa.

"Glowing?" Asked Leo.

My skin had begun to glow a faint golden hue where the sun shone on it.

Leo's eyes traveled to my arm, and his eyes opened wide.

"That's—that's just wow."

"I've never seen another sibling of yours do that," said Nyssa.

"Well, my dad is the god of the sun. Maybe he's just trying to show me that he's watching," I said.

"That's the most attention a god has ever shown to their kid," muttered Leo.

"That can't be true," I said.

"Sometimes it feels like that. It feels like our parents really don't give a lick about us," said Nyssa.

"Well if anyone deserves attention from their parents, it's not me," I said.

"Not true," said Leo.

"I'm not kidding," I said, leaning back and closing my eyes.

"How are you tired already?" Asked Leo.

"I'm not. I'm just relaxing. Who knows what else lay ahead of us," I said.

"You're right," said Leo, closing his eyes.

A/N: tysm you guys for reading my chapter! This one was kinda a filler chapter but my next one will have some real action it it. Ilygsm!! 💚

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