I Have To Save Her

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Our free hour ended much too quickly. Leo and I departed, him going to Bunker 9 and me going to archery. I was stopped short of course, by none other than Ares himself.

I trembled slightly. This was the god who was supposed to make me meet my "final end." How could I not be scared?

"Now that Dionysus isn't here to defend you, we can talk for real."

"What do you want, Ares?"

"I'm giving you a chance to side with me. Help me win over the gods by making them think that you were the reason for my sons' misbehavior. They'll blame you and then I can kill you easily. But if you don't comply, I'll have to fight with you, and then I'll have to kill you the hard way."

"I would never side with you, Ares. Not on my deathbed."

"Side with me, y/n. Everyone you care about is a pawn in our game of chess. Either you side with me and we keep everyone safe, or you risk sullying my good name and hurting people you care about most."

"We can handle you, Ares. I'm done talking to you."

"I have empousai after your mother in y/h/t."

I froze. Not only did he know where my mom was, but he very well could've been telling the truth about the empousai.

"You're lying."

"If you bring something for me from your house, I won't fight you. I swear it on the River Styx. That's our deal."

"By myself or as a quest?"

"You and Leo only. Nobody else is allowed. If you attempt to take anyone else my swear is revoked and I will kill you. No doubts about it."

"Chiron will never let me go even if I agreed to it."

"Y/n," said Chiron from behind me. He scared me half to death, but he was there and listening.

"I will let you go. You need to save your mother. I have trust in Leo, and you, that you won't do anything I wouldn't approve of."

My face turned a bit red. "Of course, Chiron. But how can we trust Ares? What about the prophecy?"

"I'm afraid that you must go, y/n. You'll need to leave by sundown."

"You only have 2 days," said Ares.

"Okay. But what do you want?"

"Your ring."

"Ares...that ring was destroyed with Phobos."

"No it wasn't. It should be in your room, somewhere."

"But how...? You know what? Fine, Ares. I'll do your stupid little chore. Only to save my mom. Not because I care about your needs."

"I'll show you stupid, you little—"

"That's enough, Ares," said Chiron. Ares made a disgusted face, then disappeared.

"You're really letting me go, Chiron? It's breaking all criteria of a quest."

"I know that Ares is to betray you. It's the prophecy. But there's no reason to keep you here when your mother is in danger. You should get Leo now, so you'll be ready by sundown."

I nodded a solemn thank you and went off to Bunker 9 to find Leo. He was deeply immersed in a new project, so I waited until he was at a possible pausing point.

"Leo?" I asked. After about ten seconds, he lifted his head up.


I told him about Ares, our mission, and Chiron's permission.

"We leave at sundown," I finished.


"Just get ready whenever you're finished. I'll pack everything but clothes for you, Okay?"

"Yeah, okay." He seemed more shocked than angry, but there was a twinge of annoyance to his tone.

I sullenly walked out, and packed both of us bags. Leo met me at Bunker 9 at sundown. We were to fly on Festus all the way to my house, and then fly back after we had saved my mom from the empousai.

After saying my painful goodbyes to everyone, we climbed on his dragon and left the safety of camp behind.

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