Chapter 1

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                                                    Jordan's P.O.V.

"Jordan, let's go! Hurry up!", one of my best friends, Faith yelled while honking the car horn from the outside of my house. I ran out my house to her car,opened the door, and hopped in.

"Sorry! Let's go!", I said while giving her a nervous smile. She gave me a glare, but then started to drive out the front of my house and head down the road.

"It's about time, love!" I turned around to find Niall behind my seat smiling at me. I gave him a smile in return.

" It's not my fault want to look good", I said while giving him a smirk. I turned back around to find Faith giving me an annoyed look.

" Yes it is Jordan", Faith anwsered. She really likes to annoy me sometimes. I gave her a glare, but she smirked and sticked out her tounge in response.

" Ok, whatever. Will you just shut up and drive before we crash?!", I angrily exclaimed. She smiled then look back at the road.

" Ok, shesh. I was just playing around", she anwsered back. I rolled my eyes, then turn around facing the window.

                                            A couple minutes later....

Faith drove into the school and found a parking. Once she turned off the car, I opened the door and hopped out. She took out her phone. Her eyes widen.

" Oh shit! Come on guys! Let's go!", Faith exclaimed as she ran towards the school. I took out my phone to check the time. 8:00 a.m. We still got 2O minutes!

Me and Niall exchanged looks, then he shrugged and walk towards the school. I pulled my eyebrows together into a frown. Faith is up to something.

I walked towards the school and onced I reached it, headed up the cement stairs towards the front double doors of my school, Harmony High School, a.k.a. HHS. Once I reached it I pushed one open and headed in side.

As I walked in, girls happily waved and greeted me. I smiled and waved back and couldn't help but wear a huge grin on my face. There were also boys staring at me and giving me playful winks. I just shyly smiled and felt my face get a little hot. Man, why do I always embaress myself?

I reached my locker to be greeted by Faith. I gave her a bewildered look.

"What are you doing?", I asked giggling. "I thought you were late for something",I said sarcasstically.

Faith shot me daggers, then finally responded." Apparently I came too early, so I have nothing to do until they are here."

I gave her a confused look, but then caught on. I gave her a deathly glare.

"You mean you made me rush to the car in panic, not letting me finish myself, to come over here 20 minutes early, for NOTHING?!", I growled.

She gave me a nervous smile, but then took in my last word." What do you mean, NOTHING?! They are hot and cute and if you miss them or come too late, you wouldn't be as close as the girls who come early!" Before I could argue, her ticked off mood quickly changed into an excited mood. She ran shrieking down the hall. Why was she...... oh no.

I looked down the hall to find practically all the girls in school surrounding a group of boys. I don't have time for this. I started to play with my lock and opened it, grabbing the math text book inside. I slammed it closed and turned to find Niall giving me an annoyed look.

"I know, there here", I said as if I know what was going through his head. He gave me a small smile, which didn't last for long once the group started to walk up the hall. They kept on walking until they reached my locker. All the boys were flirting with some girls, except for one.

He had chestnut brown locks and had forest green eyes.  And of course, you've guessed it, it was Harry. He looked confused, but at the same time his eyes were full of lust. He walked towards me and pinned me to the wall, causing me to drop my text book. Everyone stopped talking and stared at us. He gave me a smirk, then leaned towards my ear.

" Hey beautiful. How about we ditch these people and head down to the janitor's closet. I know you want a taste", he lustfully whispered in my ear. My eyes widen as blush creeped on to my checks. I roughly pushed him off.

" Drop dead", I growled. Every girl gasped and started whisper at each other. He put his hands up as if he were surrenduring and gave me a smirk. Niall gave him a deathly glare, causing him and his group to chuckle. He gave me one last look and a wink before he started to walk with his group again. Every girl started to follow except me.

"Jordan are you ok? Did he hurt you?", Niall asked with a concerned look on his face. I slightly nodded, then bent down to grab my text book. This is why I love Niall. His like a fun and lovable big brother who looks after me. When I got up, Faith was walking back from following the group with a puzzled look on her face.

" You turned down HARRY?! Out of all of them, HARRY?! They are all so cute and you don't see it. Sorry girl, but you are crazy", Faith said. Me and Niall gave her an annoyed look. Then I finally anwsered.

" No, YOUR crazy for liking them! All they do is makeout with girls, then break their hearts by making out with MORE girls! Sometimes even in front of their faces!", I responded.

Before she could try to prove me wrong, the bell rung. "Ok I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to class", Niall said." See you girls at lunch" He then started to walk down the hall and turned, heading for history class.

"Come on Faith, let's go", I sighed while starting to walk down the hall.


Thank you for reading my first chapter! :) So, what do you think? Plz let me know in the comments. I will be continuing soon! <3


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