Chapter 18

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Louis smirked down at me. He then softly kissed me on the cheek and and made his way to my ear."Hello beautiful, what's your name?", he whispered. I blushed.

"J-Jordan", I stuttered. He then looked at my face and smiled. My heart just melted on the spot. Wait, I'm not going soft on him. I pushed him away and rolled my eyes."W-what do y-you want?", I asked nervously. He smirked.

"The same as every boy in this school, you", he responded. I face burned up. All I could think of doing was rolling my eyes and walking away. I looked back and noticed him walking after me. I picked up my pace. I turned back around and he wasn't there.

I sighed in relief and turned back around, only to be greeted by his hard chest."Where do you think your going?", he chuckled I started to back away, but he was quick. He grabbed me and slammed me against the wall. I let out a loud yelp in pain. He had both of my arms against the wall and was way too close to me for my liking.

He then started to kiss me softly on my neck. I closed my eyes as he left sloppy kisses on me. Then when my eyes were closed, he took the time to crash his lips violently against mine.


I still can't believe the janitor caught me. I had to give him 50 FUCKING DOLLARS just so he would keep his damn mouth shut! I never took the janitor as someone who would sell out for money. He seemed like those old mans who were wise and nice.

I was on my way to the boys bathroom when I saw Louis. I was about to walk up to him when I noticed he had someone pinned. I hid around the corner a look closely at who he was snogging with. Then I saw those wide fearful brown eyes and noticed her wavy brown hair. Jordan. A sudden wave of anger hit me.

I couldn't be mad, I mean, she is a nerd compared to me. And don't get tied down by some girl. But it feels weird to see her struggling to get free. And she looks scared, like she's afraid of what Louis could do to her. But I can't be mad! Your outta your mind if you think I'm mad if Louis has her pinned, kissing her, and making her scared.....

NO NO NO! I'm just mad cause I'm the one who will get her for my group. Yeah, that's what it is. I'm the one that's gonna screw her! A loud yelp and whimper snapped me outta my thoughts.

Louis was sucking hard on her neck. That's it!

I was about to charge at him, but I wouldn't want Jordan thinking I'm jealous or something. I thought for a moment, but then an idea hit me. I put on my jacket hoodie and pulled the two strings to tighten it so they wouldn't see my face. Through the the hoodie I saw Jordan fearful brown eyes filling up with water. My hands balled up into fists and I charged.

I punched Louis hard on the back and ripped him off of Jordan. I pushed him back and took a look at Jordan. She as on the floor crying with light bruise on her neck. I was about to pick her up when a fist collided with my jaw. I groaned in pain as I held my jaw.

"What the hells your problem mate?!",Louis yelled. I didn't respond. He chuckled and trapped Jordan. He pinned her and started to suck harder on the light bruise he gave her. My blood then started to boil up as my anger rose.

I grabbed him and threw him to the ground. Then I started to kick him in the stomach. I stopped once I saw him spit out blood. I didn't want to kill him or do any permanent damage.

"Get the hell out a here", I said strongly. He got up holding his stomach in pain. He glared at me."Who the hell are you?", he asked.

"None of your business, just stay away from her!",I growled. Louis smirked and nodded. He then walked away.

I watched him as he disappeared, then turned to Jordan. She was curled up, crying harder than she was. But her eyes were shut. I carefully picked her up and exited the school.

I made my way to my car, then opened the backseat. I placed Jordan laying down in the backseats, then hopped in the front and started the car.

As I was driving, I took a glance at the mirror. Jordan still had her eyes shut. She had bags of stress and all that crying under her eyes.

                         ( Too lazy to write anymore driving scenes -.-; )

I drove up the front of Jordan's house. I hopped out and opened the back seat. I cautiously picked her up so I wouldn't wake her. I then looked down at her. She looked so beautiful in my arms. She so fragile and delicate, that one wrong move would break her. Her long lashes complemented beautifully with her brown eyes. And that hair! So soft. And her perfect curves.....

Harry, snap out of it! I saw better girls before, I think...

I carried her to the porch of her house. Before I placed her in the front couch of her house, I gave her a soft, long kiss on the cheek. She then smiled and her face turned red a little. Who knew, even when she's asleep she blushes. I placed her down on the couch, then rang the doorbell of her house. I ran quickly to my car, hopped in, and drove out of her driveway.

I stopped a little bit away from her house, just so they don't see me. I got out and hid behind a bush. Her mom came out and noticed Jordan laying on the couch. She looked around everywhere then started to shake Jordan so she would wake up.

Jordan slowly got up and looked at her mom. She looked super confused. He mom then pushed her into the house and closed the door. I hopped back into my car with I satisfied feeling. I guess its just the fact knowing that Jordan will be alright.


Aaaannd another update! This chapter is dedicated to LxrryStylinsxn! YAY!!! :DThank you for being so nice to me and accepting my weirdness, I appreciate it! I'm am proud to call you one of my bestess friends! Ur one of the sweetest people I've ever met! c: will always be fan of ur amazing book sand ur fluffy muffin! ;) Lots of love!<3 >.<



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