Chapter 7

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                                                   Jordan's P.O.V.

"So the Athens fought the Spartans who-" Blah b-blah b-blah. That is all I heard this period, history.I wasn't really paying attention, all I was doing was doodling in my notebook. I blocked every type of noises, until I heard the bell. Everyone just got up and ran out. I sighed and collected my things.

I walked down the hall and heard some footsteps right behind me. I ignored it with the thought that maybe it was just someone walking. But then, the person jumped on me.

"Boo!", Faith yelled. I jumped in fear. Faith started to laugh."Not funny", I grumbled."You scared the crap outta me!"

"I'm sorry! I couldn't resist", she laughed. I rolled my eyes and smiled. I gotta admit that it was pretty funny. But then I remembered I had to meet Harry.

"Oh um, Faith, you don't have to drop me off today, I have to go meet Harry at the cafe", I said. She gave me a confused look.

"I got stuck with him on a stupid science fair project", I responded. Faith then smiled."Oh, ok I guess",she sighed. But then she looked mad." Oh I see, your going on a secret date with Harry, uh?", she said suspiciously. My eyes widen. "NO,NO,NO,NO", I shouted."No way"

Faith gave me a suspicious look, but then smiled."Ok I trust you, just don't get any ideas! Harry mine! You passed him up and then he came to me!", she warned. I rolled my eyes.

"Faith, are you serious? He doesn't like you, he just made out with you for no reason!", I informed. Before could she say anything, I held up my hand."Look I don't have time, I got to go meet Harry."

I just walked away from Faith and headed down the street. I kept walking, turned, and kept walking until I reached the cafe. I looked around and Harry wasn't here yet. Not a surprise to me. I sighed and took a seat on the bench in front of the cafe.

                                              About 30 minutes later...

"Hey", Harry called, walking towards me."About time! Where were you?", I asked. Harry smirked. "None of your business", he roughly responded. He walked in the cafe and I followed.

As we entered, the smell of coffee started to fill my nose. Different smells all together, mocha, espresso, even hot chocalate. I could also smell freshly baked cookies and muffins. My mouth started to water. I scaned the different flavors and took a look at the cookies and muffins.

Harry noticed my excitement and chuckled."You really like this place don't you?" he asked. I gave him a look that clearly showed it was obvious."Who doesn't like fresh cookies with hot chocolate?", I responded. Harry nodded in agreement.

"Take a seat, I will be there in a sec", I said pointing at the booth in the back. It was a big enough table to work and discuss the project. Harry nodded and took a seat.

I made my way to the cashier. There was a girl a little older than me. She was blond and had hazel eyes. She was of course staring at Harry, and Harry happened to give her a wink, causing her to giggle. I roughly cleared my throat. She snapped out of it and looked at me.

"I am sorry! What would you like?" she asked politely, with a very nervous smile. I gave her a fake grin."I would like a hot cocoa with a freshly baked cookie", I told her. She dialed it in the cash register."Yes, that would be 4.99 please."I gave her 5.00 dollars. She put it in the cash register and printed out the recipt. She then ripped it out and handed it to me.

I waited until she gave me my drink and cookie. She handed them to me and the cookie was pretty big. The chocolate chips were sort of melting cause it just came out of the oven, just the way I like it. Gooey and choclaty.Yum! I was about to thank her when she handed me a piece of paper with her number."What's this?", I ask looking at the paper. She pointed at Harry."Could you do me a favor and give my number to that hot guy? Thanks!", she smiled. I rolled my eyes, grabbed my drink and cookie, and headed towards Harry.

I threw the paper to Harry."Her digits, your welcome!", I said with a fake smile plastered on my face. He chuckled."Getting feisty, aren't we?", he asked with a cheeky grin."I always love a good cat fight!"

Seriously?"Harry, I am not jealous! I just hate to see the poor girl fall for a jerk like you", I declared. He brushed off my comment and smirked."Too bad, she already had! And thanks for the compliment by the way!",he answered back.

"Whatever Harry, lets just start",I sighed as I started to dig in my bag for the papers for the science fair."Ok, we don't need to win, as long as we have a good grade, I'm good", I start, placing the papers on the table."We need to figure out what-" I stopped once I looked up and noticed Harry biting the bottom of his lip and looking at something.

I looked back and noticed he was staring at the cashier girl. She was blushing and giggling. She held up her hand by her ear, to say "call me". I looked back to Harry.

"Harry", I called. He was still looking at the girl. Are you serious?"Harry!", I called again. Still no use."HARRY!", I yelled. Still nothing. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? I groaned in frustration, but then thought of something. I leaned over the table and softly grabbed some of his curls. Then, I yanked them down, causing his head to move down with it.

"OW! WHAT THE HELL YOU DO THAT FOR??!!!!", he yelled. I giggled a little."Sorry! But you weren't paying attention!", I said. Honestly, I was very satisfied. He should have known he had it coming."We need to finsh the project!"

"Fine! Whatever!", he growled. After a couple more minutes of me trying to dicuss the project and Harry being the annoying brat he is and not paying attention, I gave up for the day.

 "Ok, you know what? Do what ever you want with the girl, I am out!", I shouted grabbing my stuff and walking towards the door. Harry smiled. "Finally!", he yelled, like he just got out of jail or something. He walked towards the girl, who dragged him to the back where the closet is."Catch you later!", he called as he went in the closet.



Just a shout out to alytav9 for being very nice to me and dedicating a chapter to me on DFS. Thank you for being nice and your stories are amazing! Keep on doing what your doing and NEVER doubt yourself. :) 


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