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    Heart pounding, feet carrying him as fast as they would go, Jay Russo bounded through the streets, not daring to look over his shoulder. He was unarmed, those blasted First Order soldiers having confiscated his weapon immediately after his capture.
    He cursed under his breath as he glanced over his shoulder, spotting three of his captors, close behind. He willed himself to go faster. He had to go faster. He wouldn't go back. Couldn't. Not to the First Order.
    He weaved through the streets and alleyways, eyes ahead, but mind somewhere else. Who -- Who had that masked person been? Holding a blaster towards the First Order... It had to have been Poe. He must've deployed someone undercover. Too small to be the man himself, but, come on, they had to be a rebel... Right?
    No matter. They'd catch up. For now, he just had to keep running.
    Soon, he saw it. His X-Wing, guarded by nothing more than a welcome party. The arrogance of the Order never ceased to amaze Jay. He slowed to a jog, approaching.
"You, there!" A stormtrooper held up a gun, targeting him. "Stop! Hands in the air!"
    Jay skidded to a stop, obliging. But as the other two moved to grab his hands, he acted. He swept the first trooper's feet out from underneath him, then flipped over the second, pushing him into the other one. He sprinted towards the ship, narrowly avoiding the lasers being shot by the leader.
"Stop him!" Someone shouted from behind.
    No time to look back.
    Jay darted towards the ship and hopped into the cockpit, opened by BB-24, his astromech.
"Thought they'd disabled you, didn't they?" Jay laughed, smiling at the droid as he took a seat, closing the cockpit. The troopers were firing at the ship now. "No, not my friend '24. You're too tough for that, aren't you, bud?" The droid chirped happily as Jay activated the shields and slipped his helmet on. "Thruster, '24."
    He heard the engines fire up and the ship lifted off. He looked down towards the troopers and gave them a sloppy salute, taking off into the sky. He activated his comlink.
"Black Four, is that you?" The commander's voice.
"Yessir, this is Black Four, reporting," Jay responded, grinning.
"Sending coordinates for lightspeed."
    And with that, the pair shot out of the system.

Learning to Fly - A Star Wars Fanfiction - Part One of the "Balance" TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now