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    "This is Black Four to Black Leader, requesting permission to light 'em up," Jay said over the comm.

    "Black Four, this is Black Leader, permission granted," Poe's voice came on the other end. "Let's give 'em everything we got!" Jay grinned.

    "Roger that, Black Leader," he pushed the thrust forward as his X-Wing sped towards the First Order ship. "BB-24, guns!" His X-Wing's blasters fired up and he flew in, jamming the buttons to unload his artillery, targeting Bay Two, where the TIE Fighters were beginning to depart. They had a mission to fulfill and he was right in the thick of it. "Got your back, Poe. Go, go, go!" Jay watched as Poe Dameron's X-Wing flew in towards the ship, dropping blast after blast, making the whole thing shake. "Black Three, you've got two on your tail!"

    "I can't shake them!" Jessika Pava warned. Jay craned his neck to check that Poe was out of fire.

    "Black Leader, pulling away, Three's in trouble!" Jay turned his fighter's nose up, pulling into a small loop and targeting the bogey's behind Jess' fighter. He waited for the right moment, then fired round after round, saving his friend.

    "Thanks, Four," Jess came back on over the comm's, relief flooding her tone.

    "Guys, we have company!" Poe exclaimed, panicked. A wave of TIEs had joined the dogfight, flooding the path towards the cruiser. Jay's eyes narrowed and he pulled above the fight. Taking a deep breath, he pushed the yoke forward and his fighter dipped down, plunging back into the fight. Pulling into a roll, he took out three TIEs, keeping an eye out for a sign, any sign -

    "Ash?" he opened his comm network. "Guys, I think I spotted Ash!" A rogue TIE had flown out of the third bay, weaving its way away from the fight. "Asher, is that you?"

Learning to Fly - A Star Wars Fanfiction - Part One of the "Balance" TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now