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Morgan walked back towards the barracks, falling into a quick pace. She replayed the turn of events in her head, heart racing. Opening that folder, where she had expected to see some clueless officer, she'd seen the face of none other than Kayden, the boy who she'd called her brother for so many years before his and Lynley's disappearance. Kayden, who'd been prepared to swear his allegiance to the Resistance. Kayden, who'd helped her to fight and survive on the streets. Who'd given her a passion for piloting. An officer of the First Order. Now Kayden was Asher, a deserter. As confused as she was about how he'd joined the First Order, she was even more concerned about her current predicament. Either Kayden was actually betraying the First Order, dangerous enough in itself... Or this was a trap. A trap for her. And that meant Ben knew she was with the Resistance. This made another thought come to mind. If Ben Solo knew she was with the Resistance... Did that mean she was right in the thick of some larger plan? All of this had started with her rescuing Jay Russo. She'd only known to do so because of Ben. If she was right, she'd been set up. But what was the final play? Determination set in. She'd fly, all right. She'd fly right into whatever they had planned. But either she'd get an explanation... Or she'd bring the First Order down.

Learning to Fly - A Star Wars Fanfiction - Part One of the "Balance" TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now