Story 2

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As usual, Shirayuki started the day off in the medicinal wing with Ryuu, Garrack, and Obi. They were making medicine from the herbs that they collected the other day since some medications were running low. 

"How many more of this should we make?" Shirayuki asked.

"About two more I should say," Garrack answered. "It should be enough to last a good two months."

"After that, can you help out with this?" Ryuu added.

"Sure!" Shirayuki replied.

"Want me to help, little Ryuu?" Obi walked up to him with a grin.

"Thank you, Obi-san," Ryuu nodded his head. "Can you grind these herbs then?"

Obi got right to it and the three of them worked endlessly with Garrack looking over the documents that she had to handle. Just as they were going through the final stages of seeing that everything had been made, a cheerful and energetic voice sounded and the four immediately knew who it was.

"Shirayuki!" Zen called out. "You finished your work yet?"

Shirayuki shook her head. "We're almost done here. How about you, Zen?"

"I'm taking a break right now," Zen replied with a flashing smile.

"Master, you probably sneaked out when Mitsuhide-san and Kiki-san weren't looking, right?" Obi said with a teasing grin. 

"It's a break! A break!" Zen defended himself.

"Your Highness, it isn't good to leave your work unfinished," Garrack walked up to the window with a knowing look. "It only gives you more work in the end."

"It's better to get everything done at once instead of finishing it little by little," Ryuu agreed. 

"I'll go back in a few minutes," Zen said with a promising look.

"So, what brings you here?" Shirayuki asked. 

"I just wanted to see you," he replied.

"Wow, what a daring answer," Obi whistled in amusement. 

Ryuu looked at Obi and though he reacted with an amused face, Ryuu could see the slight disturbance in his eyes. His golden cat-like eyes observed the two and his usual grin seemed to falter for a slight second. Ryuu looked back at Shirayuki and was surprised by her indifferent response.

"You should make better use of your break time, Zen," Shirayuki scolded. "What's the point of coming to visit the medicinal wing?"

"But we haven't talked to each other in a while," he pouted.

"Your Highness Zen," Shirayuki said, her voice demanding and her eyebrows furrowed. "It has not even been twenty-four hours since our last meeting."

Zen flinched at the harshness of her tone and sulked. "Sorry."

"We're all doing our own jobs so you should, too," Shirayuki said. "See, Mitsuhide-san's calling for you."

"Huh?!" Zen turned around.

Approaching them was none other than Mitsuhide Rouen and it was an indisputable fact that he was furious. Flames of rage seemed to surround him and a large tick mark was expressed on the side of his head while he cracked his knuckles.

"Zen," he said through gritted teeth. "I thought you promised me that you'd finish all your work!"

"Master never learns does he?" Obi shook his head.

"Sorry to bother you guys during your work," Mitsuhide apologized. "If you would excuse me."

Mitsuhide dragged away a reluctant Zen and Shirayuki knew better than to pity him. This time around, he deserved it for he had escaped from his work for too many times. But even so, Zen still waved a hand to them with a bright smile on his face. Shirayuki smiled in exasperation at how freely he always acted within and outside castle grounds. 

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