Story 10

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The two immediately began going back to work and just like all the other patients, the same symptom was befalling upon them: the bump. As the sun began making its way downhill, Shirayuki and the others had finished recording all the symptoms that they had seen among the patients. The four of them gathered in the medical office and compared their notes.

"So far, it seems that they're not affected by the weather much given the shelter that Sereg has provided as well as food," Garrack said. "But then there's also the other people who live up in the mountainous areas of Sereg."

Ryuu nodded his head. "It'll be hard for them to come down to get assistance with the state that they're probably in."

"Besides the visible 'bump' on their lower right stomach, they're suffering from malnutrition and their health is failing along with that," Shirayuki added, grimacing. "Moreover, the snow is beginning to grow heavier and heavier."

"But it's already past mid-winter," Obi voiced. "The snow will stop soon."

"I guess we can say that that's one good thing," Garrack remarked with a smile. 

"Then again, the main problem at hand is how we're going to cure this epidemic," Ryuu said. 

The four sat there in silence, contemplating over the matter at hand. The reference materials and books back in Wilant's and Lyrias's library had nothing that they needed at hand. They had absolutely no knowledge of this epidemic and the cure for it. If worse comes to worse, they might have to abandon all of these patients; now that was a pharmacist and doctor's worst nightmare. 

"I'm going to check out Sereg's library," Shirayuki stood up.

"Shirayuki-kun?" Garrack stared at her.

"Rather than just sitting here, I'm going to try to find out what I can about it," she turned around to say, her eyes with firm resolve. "There has to be something here. I know it."

Garrack, Ryuu, and Obi stared at her as she excused herself and left the research room. Even in times like these where there wasn't even a slight glimmer of hope, she was still persistent in finding out and getting down to the root of the cause and finding a cure. She was stubborn and she, more than anyone, took great pride in her status as a pharmacist and doctor. She wasn't going to give up and they all knew that. Her positivity and confidence that gleamed in her eyes affected them and somehow, they felt as if they could do it. 

"I believe in Miss," Obi remarked. "She will be able to do it."

Ryuu nodded his head. "Yeah. She's Shirayuki-san after all," he said with a soft smile. 

"Then let's do it!" Garrack got up with a smirk on her face. "Don't expect to sleep tonight, youngsters!"

"Got it!" the two nodded with a smile and grin on their faces.

In the research room~

Shirayuki had already been fumbling through the books at incredible speed with Ryuu by her side, also doing the same thing. Garrack, too, was glancing through the books and skimming as fast as she could, her eyes blank and serious. Obi also did what he could despite how much he hated being surrounded by books. This was an emergency and he was willing to look through books if it meant helping Shirayuki and them. They had taken the library, reference, room, and research room all to themselves and no one dared to interrupt them. Night had begun falling but there was no indication of them stopping.

"Miss, don't push yourself," he walked up to her with a glass of water.

"I won't," Shirayuki continued skimming through the books, though a brief smile washed across her lips.

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