Story 15

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Cries continued to be heard in the silent hallway, echoing continuously with no sign of stopping. Ryuu laid on the ground, holding Shirayuki and desperate to comfort her in her agony. From what he had heard, she lost her mother and then both of her grandparents. Now, losing one more person, it was tough. Ryuu narrowed his eyes in frustration, frustrated that he couldn't do anything for her.

"I have to go find him..." she lifted her head. 


"Only he can save him!" Shirayuki stood up and began running off.

"H-Hey, Shirayuki-san?!" Ryuu reached out.

But, she had already disappeared around the corner. Ryuu watched and clenched his fists together. As a pharmacist, the only thing he could do right now was to go to Obi and help out. This was what he could do for the two most important people in his life.


Shirayuki continued running, not caring if her legs were aching or if she was out of breath. Her thoughts were on finding the one and only person that could help right now. She checked the library, the meeting room, the office...everywhere. But, he was nowhere to be found. She had already checked more than half of the buildings located in Sereg's research institute. 

Where can he possibly be?! she thought, a sweat-drop forming on her face. Only he, only he can heal him!

"Oz Bezarford!" she yelled.

She opened the last door and there he was, sitting on the couch of his room, sipping tea. She panted for her breath as Oz sat there calmly. He didn't bother looking up for he already know who it was as soon as he heard her footsteps and her voice. She closed the door behind her with a bang, showing that she wasn't in a good mood.

"What brings you here, Shirayuki?" 

"You know very well why I'm here, Oz," she walked up to him and stood before him, her gaze fastened on his. "Cure him."

He set his cup down and folded his hands together. "Why?"

Shirayuki widened her eyes and gritted her teeth. She balled her hands into fists; she was trying ever so hard to prevent tears falling from her eyes.

"Please," she collapsed before him as she held onto the armrest. "I beg you, Oz. Heal him for me."

Seeing her agonized face full of sorrow, a pang of guilt rang in his chest. He was ready to stand up and do whatever she wanted but this time, he wasn't. He remained rigid and gulped back his desires to help her. 

"Obi's been poisoned," she gasped, her voice cracking. "With the same poison that killed the villagers. The only one who can save him is you, Oz. So, I'm begging you," she bent down on her knees. "Save him."

"You think I'll just save him for nothing?" he glanced at her.

"I'll do anything! Anything! So save him! Please..." she whimpered. "Save him! Otherwise, he's really going to die! I don't want to be left alone again...I don't want another person to disappear on me! I love him!"

Oz widened his eyes, his heart seemingly being torn apart. To her, he was nothing but a childhood friend. He was still one and will always be one. Even in times like this, she only thought of him and nothing else. She was even willing to sacrifice herself for him. He was the only person she considered to be able to relieve her of her loneliness. The very thought of the person not being him made him enraged. They had spent years together - much longer years than the time she had spent with Obi - yet why? Why was it that the only person she ever thought of was Obi and Obi alone?

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