Story 4

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"Man, I'm glad that you decided to go, Shirayuki-kun," Garrack laughed cheerfully as Shirayuki told her of her decision.

They were gathered in their usual working room, tending to herbs and documents while making conversation with one another. As always, Shirayuki and Ryuu were at the desk while Garrack and Yatsufusa were at the table. Obi stood to the side of the table, ready to help the two with whatever that they needed help on. 

"The Chief Court Pharmacist has been stressing over deadlines for the past weeks," Yatsufusa explained. 

"Ah...I see," Shirayuki chuckled nervously.

Garrack calmed down and looked at Shirayuki. "But really, I'm glad that you've made that decision. If you're going, my worries can be laid to rest. Having you by his side, I won't have to worry about Ryuu being in an unfamiliar place."

"Little Ryuu looks like the type that could easily be tricked, too," Obi laughed.

"Chief Court Pharmacist..." Ryuu said with furrowed eyebrows, a slight blush on his cheek. "Obi-san..."

Shirayuki chuckled. "I'm just glad that I'm able to accompany Ryuu to Lyrias!" 

"Make sure you take care of Ryuu and yourself, Shirayuki," Garrack informed her. "Though I'm sure they'll be many things that fascinate you, your health always comes first."

Obi nodded his head in agreement with Garrack's statement.

The two nodded their heads and replied with a firm, "Yes!"

"Good," Garrack grinned. "Now then, it's time to party!"

"Oh? We're going to have a party?" Obi piped up. "Alright! Let's do it!"

"Yeah!" Garrack yelled, getting out an unopened bottle of wine. 

"There's still a month before we leave though," Ryuu remarked. "Why now?"

"The earlier the better!" she smirked. "Besides, every day is a party!"

Ryuu and Yatsufusa sighed. It was amazing how Garrack came to be the Chief Court Pharmacist of Wistal Castle with that attitude of hers, despite the knowledge that she possessed and the fame she carried as a pharmacist. Shirayuki laughed but found herself looking around as the party was carried on. 

"Little Ryuu, have some fun, too," Obi grinned, walking over to him and pulling his cheeks. "Miss, too!"

Shirayuki smiled. "Count me in."

"Just make sure that you don't drink any alcohol," Obi teased. "Remember what happened last time."

She pouted. "I know, Obi."

Ryuu smiled to himself at seeing the two. Even though it was decided that Shirayuki would go to Lyrias, the two didn't show any signs of sadness on their faces. Rather, it seemed to the young boy that they were making the most of their one month. He walked towards the two, who were smiling brightly at him, and joined in. Shirayuki laughed in utter joy throughout the day. She didn't care how much time she had with him for the only thing that she was aware of is that Obi was with her right now.

A month later~

"So this is where we part ways, huh," Kiki smiled pensively.

They had all gathered before the gate where Shirayuki and Ryuu are supposed to exit from. It was mid-fall but the weather was still fairly warm. The two pharmacists were dressed in their normal clothes and were expected to change into their winter garments once they were close to Lyrias. Zen, Kiki, Mitsuhide, and Obi had all gathered while Izana watched from his office window. 

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