Story 9

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The four of them departed for Sereg early in the morning with the sun just barely illuminating the horizon. It was cold as always but as they made their way further North, it only grew colder. Clarines was in winter season throughout its lands and with this weather, they knew that it was only worsening the conditions of their patients. Garrack and Ryuu were sleeping soundly in the cart while Shirayuki and Obi stayed awake, looking out the window.

"Miss, you aren't tired?"

Shirayuki looked at Obi and shook her head. "I'm fine."

He gave her a soft smile before returning his gaze back to the mountains that laid in the far distance. They were finally going to Sereg. Obi braced himself, not for his own sake, but for Shirayuki's. If she were to come down with it, then it would be up to him to protect her. He peeked at Shirayuki from the corner of his eye and was surprised to see her reaching out for his hand.

"Let me just stay like this for a while," she said in a faint voice.

He smiled. "Of course, Miss."

Shirayuki smiled. "Thank you, Obi." 

"Anything for you," he returned, wrapping his hand around hers, holding it firmly.

His warmth was reassuring to her. Despite the fact that she wasn't scared to go there, she was secretly shaking inside. She had never dealt with a large number of patients and not knowing anything that could help ease them of their pain worried her. All she could do was wait until they got to Sereg. She exhaled silently and looked towards Obi, a smile on her face. She was going to do what she had to do. 

Back in Wistal~

"Zen," a female voice called out.

The white-haired prince looked up from his desk, relieved to finally not look at the mountains of documents before him. His turquoise-haired aide, Mitsuhide, also looked up to see Kiki standing in the doorway, wondering what it was that she needed. 

"Is there something the matter, Kiki?" Mitsuhide asked.

"A letter arrived," she waved a white letter with a red wax stamp on it.

"A letter?" the two questioned.

She smiled. "From Shirayuki and Obi."

Zen immediately jumped up from his seat and walked hurriedly over to Kiki. She handed him the letter to which he took it as calmly as possible. He opened the letter and a dead-panned look washed over his face as he realized who it was that wrote it. He had expected Shirayuki to have written it but it was in fact, Obi. 

"What's with the long face, Zen?" Mitsuhide asked. "Is it something bad?"

"He probably expected Shirayuki to have written it," Kiki answered nonchalantly, hitting the bulls-eye.

Zen sighed and walked over to the window ledge and leaned on the pillows and cushions lining it. He took out the letter and Mitsuhide and Kiki gathered around to hear the news that Obi was bringing. 

Dear Master, 
I pray that our lovely Miss Kiki is doing well. 

"That's what he said," Zen remarked.

"Glad to see that he's doing well," Mitsuhide chuckled nervously at Obi's ever so happy-go-lucky attitude. 

"Continue," Kiki remained nonchalant.

As for Miss, she's constantly busy so I have thrust it upon myself to write this letter to you. Of course, Miss has also consented. To relieve you of your worry, both Miss and I are doing well in Lyrias and are constantly in the companionship of one another. In regards to how far our relationship has gotten, I'll leave it up to Master's imagination.

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