Story 12

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"Shirayuki, you're back fast," Ryuu looked at the opened door. "Did you deliver the message?"

Garrack tilted her head Shirayuki's way and perked up with interest. "Hm? Who's that behind you, Shirayuki-kun?"

Garrack, Ryuu, and Izana looked towards Obi who had a grin on his face but they could tell that he was rather annoyed. He was separating the two by standing in between them and the obvious tick-mark on his forehead were the supporting pieces of evidence. Izana looked at the man questioningly before looking towards Shirayuki, curious as to why she had brought such a man in.

"He's the person that we've been looking for," Obi sighed.

"Huh?" Izana widened his eyes. 

"Allow me to introduce you guys," Shirayuki stepped forward, holding a hand before Oz. "This is the legendary doctor, Oz Bezarford."

Oz smiled and bowed. "It's a pleasure to be in your honor, Your Majesty," he said, his blue eyes staring right at him with amusement. "Shirayuki has told me of your situation and I would gladly help you guys."

"Is he for real?" Garrack pointed at him.

"He's for real," Obi answered. 

Ryuu stared at the man with wide eyes, not knowing what to make of the situation. "H-How? How did you get him so fast, Shirayuki-san?"

Shirayuki chuckled to herself. "It just so happened that Oz was at Sereg's Gate and things happened..." 

"But you didn't even know how he looked like," Ryuu added.

"That's because I was the one that called out to Shirayuki," Oz spoke up, looking at the young pharmacist. "Shirayuki and I are childhood friends. Once I saw that head of apple red hair as well as those emerald green eyes, I knew for sure that it was Shirayuki."

"Childhood friends?!" Garrack exclaimed. "Seriously?!"

Shirayuki nodded, a sweat-drop on her face as she sighed. "I was also surprised when I first saw him here," she turned to look at Oz who was smiling from ear to ear. "To think that he would show up all of a sudden after twelve years. Nevertheless, in Sereg." 

"So it was just a coincidence that you were here?" Izana narrowed his eyes at him. "For I highly doubt that you were just at the right place at the right time."

"What if I merely was?" Oz flashed him a fake smile.

Izana continued to stare at him until he found the answer that he needed.

Oz sighed. "You two sure are persistent people, aren't you?" he eyed Izana and then at Obi. "To me, I believe that it's fate that led me here to this place. It was the fate that brought Shirayuki and me together. I heard her voice and so I decided to follow it. Would you be willing to believe that?"

Obi eyed Izana and then back at Oz, who didn't seem to fear the King at all. The blonde-haired man that stood before him had a different air about him and Obi couldn't quite catch what it was that bothered him. But somehow, the air around Oz felt similar to that of Shirayuki's. He observed the two before chuckling to himself.

What was he saying?  he thought.

He broke the silence and stepped in between the two. "Now, now, Your Majesty and Oz-dono. Shouldn't we be tending to the matter at hand first instead of continuing this little quarrel?"

Oz smiled. "I had no intention of doing anything of that sort from the start."

"Thank you, Oz," Shirayuki walked up to him with a serious and grateful face, her eyes set on his. "For helping us with this."  

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