Story 16

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The moment that Shirayuki had disappeared, no one really knew about it - not even Ryuu. She had suddenly disappeared just as fast as she had appeared in the lives of everyone. At that time, everyone had focused their attention on Obi who still laid on the infirmary bed, unconscious but alive. Not to mention, Oz had also mysteriously disappeared. No one, not even the guards at the gates, had seen anything. Everything was left unnoticed.


The moon was high in the sky and a groaning sound came from the infirmary. Shuffling of the bed sheets and the creaking of the bed could be heard as feet touched the cold hard marble tile of the infirmary. 

"Ugh," the man rubbed his shoulder.

He had a hand on his head and appeared to be in deep thought after exercising his inactive joints. It was clear who it was once the moonlight illuminated upon his face. Those mysterious and indescribable golden cat-like eyes opened, revealing the owner who possessed them. Obi was now wide awake.

He looked at his surroundings and stood up, going to the balcony. He still had on his black top and black uniform bottom. Judging from the time, he estimated that he had been asleep for at least one or two days. He shook himself awake and stretched.

"Man, my body hurts all over," he sighed. "I guess it's the aftereffect of the poison and antidote."

Just as he was about to get up once again after getting in his shoes, the lights flickered open and he squinted his eyes. Footsteps were approaching him and Obi sat there on the bed, not knowing what to make of the sudden situation. He stared wide-eyed at the person that had appeared and likewise, that person also stared back in the same manner.

"O-Obi-san?!" Ryuu yelled. "Y-You're awake."

"Y-Yeah," Obi chuckled. "You scared me for a second there, little Ryuu."

"That should be my line," he looked at him worriedly. "You've been passed out for almost a day after feeding you the antidote."

Obi smiled. "Sorry to worry you, little Ryuu. Now stop those tears. It's not very manly."

He had noticed the welling of tears in Ryuu's eyes and they were started to roll down his flushed cheeks. "I'm still a kid so it doesn't matter."

"Oh? So you admit that you're still a kid," Obi grinned cheekily.

"I'm just glad to see you well...I'm really glad," Ryuu cried silently as he walked over to Obi and hugged him around the waist. 

His tears stained Obi's clothes but he didn't mind. It was rare to see Ryuu being a child, especially in front of him. Normally, he would only be one when Shirayuki was here but seeing it now, Obi smiled to himself. It was evident that this child in front of him also saw him as an important figure in his life - even if he was only second to Shirayuki. After all, Obi, too, had Shirayuki as number one on his pyramid. However, his thoughts soon turned away from Ryuu and to Shirayuki. She was the first one that he had thought of when he had woken up and now, he was dying to see her. 

"Little Ryuu, where's Miss?" Obi asked, his eyes soft and tender as he thought of her.

"O-Obi-san," Ryuu removed himself from him and looked up with petrified eyes, tears starting to form once again. "I-I'm sorry. I-I'm s-sorry, Obi-san...I...Shirayuki-san..."

"Calm down, little Ryuu," Obi bent down to the ground on one knee. "What happened?"

"While you were unconscious, Shirayuki had delivered the antidote to cure you," Ryuu said, his eyes downcast.

"Miss did?" 

Obi looked down and smiled softly, a faint blush on his cheek. No matter how many times he saved her, it was no match for the number of times that Shirayuki had saved him. Every time, it was her that saved him. Even now, it was no exception. He looked back to Ryuu but seeing the devastated look in his eyes, Obi had a dreadful feeling that something was on.

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