Story 13

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"Impossible," Izana stood at the doorway of the medical room.

All the patients were resting with bandages around their waist. Some still had trouble sitting up but the peaceful look on their faces was enough evidence to show that they were healed. Others were sitting up and laughing and the scene itself almost sent Izana into tears.

"Where are the pharmacists?" he questioned to a nearby officer.

"They're in the resting room," he answered.

Izana made haste to the resting room to see Oz, Shirayuki, Garrack, and Ryuu. Once he got there, he opened the door and only silence awaited him. A dim lamp light flickered in the room but the only ones there were Garrack and Ryuu who were sleeping soundly. No doubt that working three days and three nights had taken a toll on them. For them to keep sewing with no mistakes was amazing enough.

Are they still in the operating room? he thought to himself.

His cape swayed behind him as he closed the resting room's door and made way to the operating room. Sure enough, the bright lamp light in the operating room was still on and two silhouettes were at the sink outside of it. Izana looked to the side and saw five large black bags. He opened it and as he had confirmed, they were the scalpels that they had disposed of after they were no longer clean and sharp. Izana covered his nose and mouth and quickly looked away. He slid open the door and the two figures turned around.

"Your Majesty," Shirayuki blankly said.

Her eyes were strained but even so, she still had the energy to give a quick bow and stand. However, something told him that she wasn't the least bit tired. Oz broke him away from his thoughts as his deep and calm voice greeted Izana.

"What makes His Majesty come here so late at night?" he questioned. "Is there something you'd like to ask?"

Izana nodded his head. "Did you two treat all those patients in just three days and three nights?"

Oz mused to himself. "What if we did?"

Izana widened his eyes in surprise. "How?"

Oz turned away from him and let Shirayuki do the answering. "We're doctors after all."

Shirayuki, too, turned away from Izana for she had other things to take care of. The two's surgical gowns were covered in blood from head to toe and the baskets of worm eggs sat to the side.

"Aren't the two of you tired?" Izana asked.

Shirayuki chuckled to herself a little. "I kind of am but at the same time not. I'm not sure how you describe it but, I still have the energy to do something."

Izana furrowed his eyebrows. 

"It's true," Oz looked at him from the corner of his eyes, an amused look on his face. "We're not tired at all."

True to his words, Oz didn't look a bit disheveled. His eyes were still clear like the blue sky and there was no sign of fatigue anywhere on his face. Izana didn't want to believe it but it was true. Seeing these two after the feat that they had done, Izana couldn't help but think to himself that these two were otherworldly beings. 

Shirayuki picked up the baskets and smiled softly at Izana, fatigue finally beginning to show in those emerald eyes of hers.

"If you will excuse me, Your Majesty Izana," she bowed. "I have to dispose of these." 

Shirayuki took two baskets of worm eggs and began making her way outside where a large bonfire was blazing. Izana motioned for the nearby officers who had been helping to carry the patients in and out of the operating room to help with the worm eggs as well. Izana and Oz were left alone and the two men looked at one another. 

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