Story 11

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"Oz Bezarford."

Izana furrowed his eyebrows as he stood there, a hand at his chin, thinking. "Oz Bezarford...I feel like I've heard that name somewhere," he remarked. Just as he did, his eyes widened as if the thought had suddenly hit him. "Could it be that young genius from the prestigious Bezarford family?"

Ryuu nodded his head in confirmation.

"But if we don't know his location, then isn't it kind of hopeless?" Obi commented. "Little Ryuu said that he wanders around here and there so we don't really know where he is currently, right?"

Garrack nodded her head and sighed. "Exactly. If we don't know where he is, then there's no point in talking about him."

"But right now, he's the only capable person right?" Shirayuki questioned.

Izana, Obi, Garrack, and Ryuu all looked at her a little in surprise. Their surprise wasn't really related to the topic at hand but at the tone that had been indented into her question. Garrack leaned forward in her seat and stared at Shirayuki.

"Shirayuki-kun, could it be that you don't know who Oz Bezarford is?" 

Shirayuki gulped and averted her eyes as she started sweating bullets. "N-Not really."

Ryuu just stared at her with a pale face. Obi not knowing him was okay since he was a former assassin but to see someone, especially a court pharmacist and a doctor, not know the name of the legendary doctor of the century horrified him. He couldn't believe that Shirayuki didn't know Oz Bezarford.

Izana chuckled to himself a bit. "You, a court pharmacist, doesn't know the name of that legendary doctor? Shirayuki, you really are amusing."

Shirayuki's face turned a beet red as she waved her hands frantically. "I-I l-lived in a small v-village in T-Tanbarun so it s-should be understandable, r-right?" she stammered before pouting. "Not a lot of news comes in so it's not a surprise for me not to know."

Obi held in his laughter at seeing Shirayuki's embarrassed self. "Well," he rose his voice, coming to the defense of Shirayuki. "There's one or two things in this world that one may not know about. Right, Miss?" he grinned.

"Obi," Shirayuki stared at him, her eyes shining.

"T-That's true," Ryuu hurriedly spoke, not wanting to make Shirayuki think that he was belittling her knowledge. "Even I don't know some things."

Shirayuki looked towards Ryuu and smiled brightly. "Thank you, Ryuu!"

Seeing her smile, it was more than enough for him. He smiled softly to himself, a blush on his cheek. However, that expression soon changed one hundred eighty degrees as Obi came up from behind her.

"Trying to make a move on Miss now, little Ryuu?" he said into his ear.

Shivers ran down his spine as he hurriedly moved away from Obi, fear in his eyes. Obi chuckled before grinning. He ruffled the young boy's hair and looked at him in the eye, his golden orbs showing confidence. 

"Don't worry. Even if you did make a move, I'm sure that Miss won't be moved," he said. "The only one that can move Miss is me, after all."

While the two were whispering amongst one another, Shirayuki, Garrack, and Izana had started immersing themselves in their thoughts. With the situation right now, the only person that they could rely on was Oz Bezarford and no one else. Even if it seemed impossible to find him due to his wandering habit, Shirayuki still thought that they should at least try to find him. She slammed down her tow hands on the table and looked up at the four surprised faces, her emerald green eyes glowing. 

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